What about herbal or alternative medicines?  Some things that are OK for people 
are toxic to cats.  Perhaps walk through your house and look around, think 
about what else it could be.   To have so many in such a short period of time, 
and with symptoms coming on so suddenly in some cases....look at other 
possibilities, especially where the cats are over a year in age.  

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:        v\:* 
{behavior:url(#default#VML);}  o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  w\:* 
{behavior:url(#default#VML);}  .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}        
st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }                I think none of the 
kitties whom she lost recently to FIP at this past incident was felk positive – 
(she had sent me the details of every kitty  whom she lost  as I was very 
curious to find out what happened)  -Karen who also lost 6 of her kitties to 
FIP recently and none of them were felk positive either..
  I ended up doing necropaise on Olive as my vet suggested  and it was FIP – 
and I am assuming that the rest of my babies were also FIP – I am not sure 
which portion of the symptoms don’t sound like FIP except Rikki– I really wish 
it was something else.. I have not lost any kitties older than two years old – 
three were less than 1 year, and Peter was 1.5 years old..– I don’t know for 
sure if Rikki has FIP and it caused ARF or not – but there was nothing that he 
could get into – please trust me – I would think of all the reasons to cause 
what’ s causing – Rikki’s blood work is very similar to Peter though Rikki’s 
liver is functions are fine– I did all the blood parasite tests on Rikki – and 
it was all negative – what else could it be?  I don’t keep any chemicals at all 
in my house for cleaning supplies – as I get so worried about it ..  if not, 
FIP – what could it be?  If you have any other ideas of the cause, I would love 
to look into it..please let me know..
  I have two separate houses where I keep my cats next to each other.. none of 
the kitties from the other house (they are all older than 3 years old and I 
have not brought any new kitties to the house for the past three years or so) – 
  When I read about the symptoms (both lab and clinical) of FIP –they are very 
much what my kitties have gotten – it just attacks differents part of the body, 
whether it’s liver, kidney or CNS…
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 3:50 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: RE: another despair - prayer for Rikki - ARF/FIP?

    Sally works with FeLV+ cats and kittens.  FIP is much more common in cats 
who are FeLV+.  At one time it was thought that FIP and FeLV were part of the 
same disorder.


    The cattery situations often involve inbreeding.


    I am on the FIP list.  I have lost rescues last year and this year to FIP 
but they have always been kittens under 10 months in age.


    Hideyo, PLEASE look at causes other than FIP.  Please do not lock on FIP as 
the only explanation.  From what you have described I think you need to look at 
toxins in the environment, whether cleaning supplies, herbal or other 
alternative medicines, something else.  Your situation does not sound like FIP 
to me.  It sounds like at least some of these cats may be ingesting a toxic 
substance.  You really need to do necropsies to get to the bottom of this.  
Please, if you keep focussing on FIP, you may miss a preventable/treatable 

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

      It’s not that common – but there are a couple people on FIP list who has 
had a similar experience as I do – some lost 20 in catteries or a couple of 
hundreds even in some sheleter – they were all young kittens –

    I was just talking to a couple of people who have lost 6 of their cats one 
after the other to wet  and dry FIP – and also Sally forester lost a several 
kittens to wet FIP within a few months period – once you lose a couple of them, 
you become very sensitive to certain symptoms.. now I have one boy Toni who I 
rescued a couple of months ago started showing URIs symptoms and reocuurance 
low grade fever – I am not freaking out yet.. but low grade fever that keeps 
come back is usuall suspicious.. on the other hand, my FIV boy toby had 107 
temp yesterday all of sudden and sneeze,, and knew he did not have FIP, just 
calici virus or something.. and temp went down with some homeopathic remedy.. 
dry FIP is very subtle .. you think they just don’t feel too good but they 
usually eat okay – that’s why it’s to easy to miss..


    From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL 
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 8:30 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: another despair - prayer for Rikki - ARF/FIP?


        Hideyo, I am still not convinced they have FIP, still.  It is very 
unlikely for so many to get it at once.  Can you consult with an internist?



      In a message dated 11/17/2006 10:13:03 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

      What a nice things to say, Marlyn –  you are making me cry more..

    It’s very difficult with this diseases – as they did not come diseased 
before they came to my house – FIP is a disease that produced by multihouse cat 
household – so I am the main part of the reasons why they have had this disease 
and I just can’t change that..



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