I am not sure about their worming schedule at this point- I took them in from 
another volunteer/rescuer b/c she was overloaded and they weren't getting 
proper care, so she has their records.  All were given Advantage before they 
came to me.  I'm pretty sure they got a deworming tho, b/c I know they give 
dewormer to kittens even smaller than these and I doubt the other volunteer 
would have had them in her house with her other cats w/o first deworming.  
Plus, I look for worms all the time and have never seen any.  
Do I need to take them to a vet?
> Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 14:05:35 -0500> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> felvtalk@felineleukemia.org> Subject: Re: OT: Kitten Question> > It could be 
> coccidia or giardia. Both are very common in kittens.> Coccidia is treated 
> with albon, giardia with flagyl.> > It could be worms, but I'm thinking you 
> wormed them already.> > On 9/25/07, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:> > I am down to three foster kittens now as one was integrated to the 
> on-site> > adoption facility (the pet supply store) on Saturday. He was 
> bigger and> > totally healthy and getting to be too much for me because he 
> was the> > instigator and a bad influence on the other ones. He was a B/W 
> little> > Kittler, so it figures!> > Of the three I have now, they seem to be 
> having a touch of diarrhea? And I> > don't know what the cause is? I'm not 
> doing anything different with them.> > They all get fed Wellness Wet Kitten 
> food and Eagle Pack Holistic dry> > kitten. Each gets about a half of the 
> small can of Wellness in the a.m.,> > and the same in the evening. When I 
> leave for work, after they have eaten> > the Wet food, they get the Eagle 
> Dry- kind of free choice because they stay> > in crates when I am not home, 
> so I like to leave them with some food. They> > are all drinking water fine, 
> except for when they tip their waters over, but> > I don't think they go too 
> long before I am able to get home and refill them> > and it doesn't happen 
> every day (I just ordered "coop cups" from Revival, so> > these should solve 
> that problem).> > On their wet food in the am I sprinkle L-Lysine free form 
> powder and> > Brewer's yeast (and have been doing this for weeks now). In the 
> pm, I do> > the same, but add a sprinkled on gel cap of Colostrum- about 290 
> mgs each.> > I just placed an order for "Just Born with Colostrum" and will 
> be switching> > them to that when I get it.> > I think, but am not for sure, 
> that they are June babies and I don't know if> > they are from the same 
> litter- 2 might be, but I don't know for sure. The> > smallest now weighs 2.8 
> (and I should not that this is the only one that> > hasn't been fixed yet 
> because it weighed too little, but now with me, it's a> > little eating and 
> growing machine!). The biggest- Yoda- the first one I> > took in that I 
> thought might die (weighed 2.4 lbs and they had him on the> > floor for 
> adoption!?! with a raging URI!), anyway, he now weighs 3.6 lbs and> > I've 
> had him since Labor Day Weekend!!!! He's a growing monster.> >> > So they all 
> have healthy appetites and they are all gaining weight and> > getting 
> noticeably bigger. They run and play like maniacs (they have so> > MUCH 
> energy! My mom tells me to stop pumping them full of vitamins and> > 
> supplements!) when I let them out of their crates twice a day for play-time.> 
> > They are all well now-- it took 2 weeks to 14 days to bust those URI's out> 
> > of them, but I finally did it. I stopped the Amoxicillin well over a week> 
> > ago, so it can't be that causing the diarrhea? But now they seem to be> > 
> having soft stools, if not actual diarrhea. Yoda seems to be having the> > 
> diarrhea more (I can tell with him because he has a crate to himself and the> 
> > other two share one). My first foster cat- which I guess I am keeping (!),> 
> > she's 1 now and no longer a "kitten" but a big, healthy mature cat-- she> > 
> gets the same protocol of supplements, except she gets fed 1/4 can of> > 
> regular adult Wellness in the am and pm and free choice Wellness Dry Core.> > 
> She mingles with the kittens now during "play-time" and she is not having> > 
> any diarrhea.> >> > Does anyone have any thoughts about a possible cause of 
> diarrhea and what I> > can do about it?> >> > I'd appreciate some help! I 
> haven't had kittens since I was 10, so I just> > don't know much about 
> them...> > -Caroline> >> > ________________________________> > Gear up for 
> Halo(r) 3 and get a $25 Best Buy gift card. It's our way of saying> > thanks 
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