Hi Caroline,

Have the little kittens had a fecal yet?

If not, I recommend getting one performed.

Coccidia, Giardia & spirokettes(?) are all possibilities.

Sometimes when you first get kittens, they can have normal poops,even w/one 
of the above problems or all of them,however, the diarrhea can start days 
even weeks later.

Coccidia would need Albon,make sure that the doasge is correct for their 
weight due to it being a sulfur based drug and it can cause liver problems.
However, the first dosage will need to be *double* ,if that makes sense.

Ask your vet for some Hills' moist w/d to help w/ the diarrhea, which will 
help form stools plus they still will get *some* the necessary moisture that 
they need.

You also might want togive them a bit of Pedialyte,this will give them the 
necessary electrolytes that they are losing.

Kittens can crash very easily due to dehydration.

Let me knowif you have any questions, goodl luck!

Susan in Texas that doesn't know what she is talking about,as usual....... 

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

----- Original Message ----- 
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Kitten Question

Hi Caroline,

They may still be reacting to the antibiotics/amoxi.  It tends to wipe out
the good gut bacteria with the baddies.  Try adding some probiotics to
their food, or maybe try some plain yogurt with live cultures to help
rebuild the good gut bacteria.

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Caroline Kaufmann wrote:

> Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 14:54:31 -0400
> From: Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: OT: Kitten Question
> I am down to three foster kittens now as one was integrated to the on-site 
> adoption facility (the pet supply store) on Saturday.  He was bigger and 
> totally healthy and getting to be too much for me because he was the 
> instigator and a bad influence on the other ones.  He was a  B/W little 
> Kittler, so it figures!
> Of the three I have now, they seem to be having a touch of diarrhea?  And 
> I don't know what the cause is?  I'm not doing anything different with 
> them.  They all get fed Wellness Wet Kitten food and Eagle Pack Holistic 
> dry kitten.  Each gets about a half of the small can of Wellness in the 
> a.m., and the same in the evening.  When I leave for work, after they have 
> eaten the Wet food, they get the Eagle Dry- kind of free choice because 
> they stay in crates when I am not home, so I like to leave them with some 
> food.  They are all drinking water fine, except for when they tip their 
> waters over, but I don't think they go too long before I am able to get 
> home and refill them and it doesn't happen every day (I just ordered "coop 
> cups" from Revival, so these should solve that problem).
> On their wet food in the am I sprinkle L-Lysine free form powder and 
> Brewer's yeast (and have been doing this for weeks now).  In the pm, I do 
> the same, but add a sprinkled on gel cap of Colostrum- about 290 mgs each. 
> I just placed an order for "Just Born with Colostrum" and will be 
> switching them to that when I get it.
> I think, but am not for sure, that they are June babies and I don't know 
> if they are from the same litter- 2 might be, but I don't know for sure. 
> The smallest now weighs 2.8 (and I should not that this is the only one 
> that hasn't been fixed yet because it weighed too little, but now with me, 
> it's a little eating and growing machine!).  The biggest- Yoda- the first 
> one I took in that I thought might die (weighed 2.4 lbs and they had him 
> on the floor for adoption!?! with a raging URI!), anyway, he now weighs 
> 3.6 lbs and I've had him since Labor Day Weekend!!!!  He's a growing 
> monster.
> So they all have healthy appetites and they are all gaining weight and 
> getting noticeably bigger.  They run and play like maniacs (they have so 
> MUCH energy!  My mom tells me to stop pumping them full of vitamins and 
> supplements!) when I let them out of their crates twice a day for 
> play-time.  They are all well now-- it took 2 weeks to 14 days to bust 
> those URI's out of them, but I finally did it.  I stopped the Amoxicillin 
> well over a week ago, so it can't be that causing the diarrhea?  But now 
> they seem to be having soft stools, if not actual diarrhea.  Yoda seems to 
> be having the diarrhea more (I can tell with him because he has a crate to 
> himself and the other two share one).  My first foster cat- which I guess 
> I am keeping (!), she's 1 now and no longer a "kitten" but a big, healthy 
> mature cat-- she gets the same protocol of supplements, except she gets 
> fed 1/4 can of regular adult Wellness in the am and pm and free choice 
> Wellness Dry Core.  She mingles with the kittens now during "play-time" 
> and she is not having any diarrhea.
> Does anyone have any thoughts about a possible cause of diarrhea and what 
> I can do about it?
> I'd appreciate some help!  I haven't had kittens since I was 10, so I just 
> don't know much about them...
> -Caroline
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