Belinda wrote:
BELIEVING.� You can believe and do with your pets as you please but 
please don't post information you find on the internet as the absolute 
truth.� Anytime I hear that a negative has turned positive from exposure 
I can promise you almost all the time the cat was not vaccinated or tested a 
false negative and was positive all along.� A healthy vaccinated adult 
cat has virtually 0 chance of getting infected from a positive.� And if 
they did they would almost certainly fight it off.�
  The funny thing is - you sound as if you are trying to say that you know my 
situation.  You; just another uninformed person on the internet...(remember, 
you are the one who said "not all the information you find on the internet is 
  Have you ever heard of a library, Belinda?  Or a veterinarian?  Perhaps those 
are sources you would like to consider, although I am sure that in your 
opinion, they are not accurate either.  
  I have done TONS of independent research and I also speak from personal 
  Since you obviously do NOT know my situation, let me tell you about it.  
  Armond came to me at 4 weeks old - FeLV negative and always immunized.  He 
was still negative at age 8 years when we moved to a new state and all of the 
animals were tested again before moving.
  At age 8 1/2, we brought a stray in; after 6 months she got sick and we 
discovered she was FeLV positive.  Knowing that it is extremely contagious, our 
vet wanted Armond tested immediately.  Sure enough, he was positive also.  
Coincidence?  Every other test was a false negative?  I hardly think so and I'm 
sure you will agree that it is highly doubtful that Armond just happened to be 
a carrier for his entire life with it just showing up after he lived with the 
FeLV kitty for 6 months.  
  In the paragraph above (where I highlighted your ridiculous comment) I see 
where you are trying to justify putting your own cats at risk.  Since you can 
"promise" that the cat was "positive all along" you relieve yourself of any 
responsibility for intentionally putting them at risk for infection.  Shame on 
  How dare you have the audacity to say that "FeLV IS NOT AS CONTAGIOUS AS SOME 
VETS TRY TO SCARE YOU INTO BELIEVING." ? What part of this situation do you not 
understand?  And, how dare you pass this false information on to others?  What 
a terrible disservice you have done to anyone who reads this.  I am disgusted 
to think that people are listening to you and taking your advice.
  I would like to know where you attended veterinary school and what your gripe 
is with Cornell University?  (One of the finest in the country, however you 
think that you are more knowledgable than their experts. Amazing...)
  I can assure you that I will not return to this "support group" again. I 
refuse to participate in a battle of wills with someone like you.  Please do 
your homework about this before you feel the need to give any more possibly 
fatal advice.
  Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  All I'm saying is not all the information you find on the internet is 
accurate and if you think it is your in for a rude awakening.  Your highlighted 
in yellow info is not correct.

I'm speaking from experience, mine and many others on the list.  My vet was 
fully aware of my situation, Bailey was 5 months old when I found him, I had 3 
cats at the time and Bailey was + the others all negative and vaccinated.

He was separate because I had just been in a situation of having 5 cats, 4 
positive.  I lost 3, one turned negative and the 5th never had it, she had 
lived with all the at the time unknown positives from 6 weeks of age.  This was 
back in the late 80's, early 90's before very much was known about FeLV and my 
then vet was very old and told me I didn't have to worry or vaccinate since my 
guys were all indoors.  Well something I or he never thought about, they all 
had lives before me.  I don't know who had it or if anyone gave it to anyone, I 
just know when I decided to see a different vet I had them all checked and 4 
were positive.  I lost 3 of them in 15 months, they were all older, 5, 7, and 9 
years old.  Teenye turned negative and lived to be 16, and Buddie was negative 
her whole life, unvaccinated and living together with the rest for years before 
I knew anyone had it.  Once I found out, she was vaccinated regularly but not 

Anyway back to Bailey, 3 vets told me to euthanize him, that he would be dead 
in 3 months and infect all my others.   After finding out that Joey was 
sneaking under his door and playing with him while I was at work I decided to 
let him out and to keep him.  He lived, ate with, played with, groomed, and on 
occasion had fights with all of his house mates, all who were negative and 
vaccinated.  In 11 years nobody got it from him, he passed away in 2006 at age 
11, so all the vets were wrong and my gut and experience were right.  My now 
vet knew about and gave her blessing to our living arrangements.  She tried 
desperately to save Bailey when he got sick but it wasn't to be.  I would not 
do anything different if I were to do it over again.

can believe and do with your pets as you please but please don't post 
information you find on the internet as the absolute truth.  Anytime I hear 
that a negative has turned positive from exposure I can promise you almost all 
the time the cat was not vaccinated or tested a false negative and was positive 
all along.  A healthy vaccinated adult cat has virtually 0 chance of getting 
infected from a positive.  And if they did they would almost certainly fight it 
off.  Where did you find the quote below, it looks very familar.  And as I said 
before, Cornells info is outdated they haven't updated that in 10 years at 
least, it is inaccurate.

I truthfully have no idea which or how many of my original 5 had FeLV, several 
of them were sickly all their lives, several were related, 3 of the 5 were 
related.  None were vaccinated because my very old vet obviously didn't know 
much about it and told me they were all OK and I didn't need to test or 

That was my wake call and when I started to learn more about it.  I had no 
thought to have anymore positives when I found Bailey but that the way someone 
else planned it and we did the best we could in our situation.  As I expect you 
are, I just don't want new people reading inaccurate info thinking it is 
correct.  I visited Cornells website when I got a computer and their info 
hasn't changed.  There is much more known about FeLV than there was 10 years 
ago but Cornell hasn't posted any of it so as far as I'm concerned their info 
is inaccurate.

All this is my first hand exerpience and opinions, the best place to get 
accurate info is from a vet who is knowledgable about FeLV and goes to 
continued education seminars, not the internet.  I'll take other people 
experiences over the internet anyday, but as with you the final decision is 
mine and mine alone.

  What can I do now to protect my cats?? The only method for protecting your 
cats is to remove any FELV-positive cat from other cats completely. You should 
also follow strict quarantine procedures including separate utensils, housing, 
litter pans for the FELV positive cat, and thoroughly washing your hands, 
clothing and shoes after handling and caring for the FELV positive cat. Do not 
breed an FELV positive queen!! If you lose a cat to FELV, it is recommended 
that you wait 30 days before bringing in a new cat, and then only after the 
area has been thoroughly scrubbed and disinfected with a solution containing 4 
ounces of household bleach per gallon of water, rugs vacuumed completely, and 
all litter pans, food dishes, bedding, etc. have been replaced.

--     Belinda  happiness is being owned by cats ...    Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web 
design] [custom printing]

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