I've bought in both.  And never had any transfer of the virus.  I think the 
important thing is to bring in another vaccinated adult, or healthy positive 

Beth Gouldin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi all
So Athena just re-tested on ELISA a weak positive. This is 9 weeks from the 
first testing that we did when we lost Orion to FeLV.  I guess I'm just 
disheartened... I had REALLY hoped (for her sake) that she would be negative - 
she seems so healthy...no major problems or anything... and we really wanted to 
get another cat for a companion for her.  My husband and I have talked and we 
just can't bring closure to ourselves to intentionally get another FeLV + 
cat... which means pretty much she's gonna stay a single cat. 
I don't know, in my mind it just seems that it would be a perpetually bleak 
cycle (and I know that it's not true simply because of the joy they bring..but 
this is my bummed out- ness coming through) to have 'sick' cats that can just 
die any time.   
Do any of you have experiences bringing in another cat?  Do you always elect to 
get another FeLV +? How do kittens generally fare? Our vet suggested bringing 
in a FeLV negative vaccinated adult...but I don't want even the SLIGHTEST risk 
of exposing another cat to this.  
Any feedback would help me out...I'm so frustrated with this whole thing.
Thanks for listening :}

Beth Gouldin

God Bless!!! 

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