jane, as for as i know, that's just for dogs, tho--and from what is known
already re: meds etc, the species are NOT that analogous.

i don't know of any non-profit groups conducting research; julie levy in fl
is, folks at uc davis continue to. i was told, years ago, when i was trying
to find out why no one was using the 'captive' populations in sanctuaries
(for non-invasive stuff, of course) as subjects, that academic researchers
didn't generally have the funding, and the only real likelihood of finding
adequate financing would come from a pharmaceutical company--ie, IF one
should be interested, working on a new drug, etc.

for those who think that the drug appropriated by imulan is backed up by
scientific research, btw, if you read the original studies (which they did
NOT conduct on their own), the sample size was 22 cats--not enough to be
considered statistically significant, and the "trials" they are running now
are four-week-trials, hardly long enough to show anything. so i'd be very
wary of most drug-company research into FeLV, as well, except in the cases
of a very limited number of companies--and then, it would still be after
their results had been replicated by other researchers.

something that folks don't realize is that a lot of the cat research, at
least, has been initiated AND PAID FOR by responsible breeders who get
together to solve problems in their own breeds--that's how the gene for HCM
in maine coons was finally identified, for example. so, conceivably, FeLV
parents COULD perhaps fund research with one of the teams of academicians


On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 10:04 AM, Jane Lyons <j.ly...@mindspring.com> wrote:

> Hi Maria
> There is a current, non profit research project being conducted by Dr. Jean
> Dodds DVM
> and Dr. Ronald Schultz called the Rabies Challenge (Google it). It is a
> seven year project
> in which they intend to prove that one rabies vaccination will protect an
> animal for its lifetime.
> Rabies is the first vaccine in the project.
> It is also their belief that animals are over vaccinated and that the
> economics of veterinary
> practices are dependent on yearly (now 3year) vaccination protocols.
>  Between pharmaceutical
> companies and professional group pressure, many vets choose not to change
> or re-examine
> their protocols.
> Happy that Bernie is fine.
> Jane
> On Feb 19, 2009, at 9:10 AM, Maria Ianiro wrote:
>  Thank you for all of your opinions and advice.
>> I went ahead with the feline distemper vaccination. Bernie has been
>> totally fine since....  The vet's plan was to do another shot in 1
>> month and the final shot a month after that.  I think once the kitten
>> series is done, I may stop.  Bernie is an indoor cat and the frequent
>> visits to the vet are changing his personality. He is very scared of
>> strangers and car rides now.  Additionally, every vet visit adds up...
>> normally it is  1 vet visit fee and the shots... this is 3 vet visit
>> fees and shots.
>> My vet also explained to me that Bernie was more likely to have a
>> reaction to the shot because he is allergic to it rather than from
>> being felv+.  I'm sure there are many opinions on that subject though.
>> MaryChristine...you mentioned that research seemed to have stopped for
>> so long and just recently have begun again.  Are there any non profit
>> groups out there actively researching this disease?
>> Thanks
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