If you want to be ultra careful, I would wait until 24 hours after the other
kitties have had their booster.
I realize you have already co-mingled so it may not matter....

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Cougar Clan
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 9:14 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] How to long to separate negative/positive kitties?

My holistic vet prescribed various "meds" to reduce stress including  
Rescue Remedy and Feliway.  Perhaps yours has some ideas along those  
On Aug 4, 2009, at 9:08 AM, Lisa Borden wrote:

> Hi Iva,
> I just wanted to tell you how much I can relate to your dilemma.  
> Last year, I brought Tommy home and successfully introduced him to  
> his new brother and sister, only to find out that he was FeLV+. I  
> was given the same two options - separate or euthanize. I can only  
> tell you what I did. I tried separating, but like what is happening  
> in your home, everyone was unhappy about it. I took Tommy to a  
> holistic vet and she told me that separation is stressful to  
> everyone, and this can make it easier for the virus to take over and  
> make Tommy sick.
> So what I decided to do is NOT separate, keep everyone vaccinated  
> against FeLV (except Tommy), and keep stress to a minimum. Almost a  
> year later, Tommy is showing no signs of illness, and he just turned  
> a year old. My others also show no signs of illness, and I plan to  
> get them tested when they go back to the vet this year, and boosted  
> for FeLV vaccine if they are still negative.
> I think you said in your other post that they have been living  
> together for a while? And they are still negative? That tells me  
> that they have mature immune systems that are capable of fighting  
> off the virus. It is likely that they will stay negative.
> Hope that helps,
> Lisa
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Iva Lark Emily Seaberg"
> >
> To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 1:29 AM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] How to long to separate negative/positive kitties?
> Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! It was very reassuring to  
> read all of your posts, especially those with multi-cat mixed  
> households. I spoke to the vet this morning and she was actually ok  
> with my decision, but she wants me to keep my positive kitty  
> isolated for now. She didn't say how long, though I know she is  
> hoping for indefinitely. We are putting Becca on antibiotics for her  
> oral inflammation and then steroids, which I know will temporarily  
> decrease her immune system more but could be worth it in helping her  
> fight the virus back?
> Anyway, here is my dilemna. Currently, Becca is isolated in my  
> master bedroom/bath. All the cats are unhappy about this. The two  
> negative kitties sit outside the door and reach their paws under to  
> her. They meow at me with a clear "Umm, Mom we want our sister  
> back." and they try and sneak in there. She in turn tries to sneak  
> out and is seeming a bit down. She's exceptionally affectionate when  
> we go in there, more so than usual, but she's not eating as much and  
> seems almost a bit depressed. She kept me up all night trying to  
> love on me. I also know it is a small space and can get lonely. Now,  
> I've read what everyone said about stressing her and I don't want to  
> do that, so here's my dilemna. How long should she be quarantined  
> for? The negative kitties JUST got their first vaccine on Friday and  
> won't be at full protection until they get their boosters in 2.5  
> weeks. Should I keep her in there until at least then? Should I just  
> let her out now? I really
> really want to minimize the negative's risk of exposure because I  
> don't want them to be infected.
> I did read the articles everyone mentioned and it was still unclear  
> to me where in the articles it says that it is safe to expose a  
> negative to a positive. It still said they could infect, but no odds  
> were mentioned, so therefore they should be separated. See below:
> "Uninfected cats in a household with infected cats should be  
> vaccinated; however, other means of protecting uninfected cats (eg,  
> physical separation) should also be used. Constant exposure to FeLV- 
> infected cats is likely to result in viral transmission regardless  
> of vaccination status."
> "In ~70% of adult cats, viremia and virus shedding are transient,  
> lasting only 1-16 wk. A few cats continue to shed virus in  
> secretions for several weeks to months after they cease to be  
> viremic. Virus may persist in bone marrow for a longer period, but  
> even this latent, or sequestered, infection usually disappears  
> within 6 mo. Some FeLV-exposed cats (~30%) do not mount an adequate  
> immune response and go on to become persistently (ie, permanently)  
> viremic. Persistently viremic cats develop fatal diseases after a  
> variable time period"
> What if she's just now in the shedding stage? Is she considered  
> persisently viremic at this point as she's had gum issues for a few  
> months? Does that mean she is currently shedding the virus?
> I almost wonder if the positives that aren't infecting the negatives  
> aren't at the viral shedding stage. Is it really safe to expose the  
> other kitties? Should I keep her quarantined for the next 2.5 weeks  
> or does it really matter? I'm torn. On one hand I don't want to  
> stress her unnecessarily, especially when I'm about to have to give  
> her antibiotics twice a day and steroids twice a day. She is going  
> to hate that. I don't want her to lose weight either, she's always  
> been a tiny, dainty thing and she doesn't have any weight to lose!  
> On the other hand I don't want to infect my other babies and I can't  
> help but worry that to let her out now, before they have full  
> vaccine protection at least, much less before the steroids have a  
> chance to calm her virus down would be to stack the odds against them.
> I need advice!
> Iva
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