I've used PetTinic for anemia - works well. Natalie

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of gary
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 2:43 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Now it's Murphy-I can't take much more

I had success reversing anemia in two FeLV positive kittens using Acemannan.

I can't say it works every time in every situation, but it worked for me on 
those two.


From: "Alice Flowers" <aliceflow...@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 1:24 PM
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Subject: [Felvtalk] Now it's Murphy-I can't take much more

> Murphy has been sneezing-We took Murphy and Rosie in yesterday for check 
> ups and
> blood work. They did an in house PCV on him because his gums were pale. He

> is
> anemic at 18.5%. This is the beginning of the end. I had hoped that after 
> losing
> Rosie's 4 brothers last year that we would get a reprieve. I had hoped 
> that the
> vet's rough rule of 1/3 would apply to us since we began with 6. We had 
> Rosie
> and her 5 brothers-and Murphy, the friendly kitten that was tossed into 
> the
> feral colony that we caught Rosie and the boys from after trapping and 
> neutering
> their mother-1/3 of kitties would succumb quickly, 1/3 would die young and

> 1/3
> generally live fairly uneventful lives for quite a while. Murphy is 
> becoming
> lethargic at times, sometimes stretching out and sleeping on the floor-not

> his
> usual pose-he is my eagle, if he isn't on the computer desk next to 
> me-curled up
> in an envelope box (any box will do-he has even tried to squeeze into a 
> box
> barely big enough for his head-LOL)-he is asleep in the spare room-on top 
> of the
> bookcase! He has a talent of springing from the floor and landing in a box

> on
> top of a 4' cabinet without touching the edges-he is like a little 
> antelope with
> his springy legs. Murphy is the king of cats-I have never been owned by 
> such an
> awesome kitty. He is beautiful with his fluffy, tuxedo coat, huge eyes and

> even
> huger paws-he has 7 toes on his front feet and 6 on the backs. He can snag

> a cat
> toy tossed at him like in mid-air like a baseball player and can even pick

> up
> things using the extra toes like fingers. I cannot believe this is 
> happening
> again. We have begun Procrit, iron supplement and Doxy for the 
> sneezing/cold
> thing he has going on-his lungs are clear, but a little wheezing in his 
> throat
> area. Wish us luck-I am so sad right now and keep tearing up. I can't take

> much
> more of this disease, so much loss for all of us.  Alice and Glenn 
> (humans),
> Rosie and Murphy-furkids

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