Thanks for taking care of Pretty Boy. I just love old cats,
maybe that's because I'm old :-)


On 07-07, MaiMaiPG wrote:
> Pretty Boy, a feral who hangs around and who is very loved, was live  
> trapped for neutering.  The vet called me after they put him  
> under...he had shuttered in pain when they put a tube in his mouth.   
> She checked his teeth and they were totally awful.  Most of them were  
> pulled.  The only side effect is that his tongue hangs out a lot of  
> the teeth to help him keep it in...or maybe he is expressing  
> his opinion.  He eats both canned and dry food with the rest of the  
> clan and is so handsome.  He is probably 13-14 years old (per vet) and  
> is a total doll. Like the rest of the clan, he is not touchable most  
> of the time.  He fusses and fumes and catches ground squirrels and  
> others who are stupid enough to come into an area guarded by numerous  
> cats.  Removing his teeth has definitely improved the quality if not  
> quantity of his life.   As far as I know, none of the clan is FeLV+.
> On Jul 6, 2011, at 6:00 PM, Diane Rosenfeldt wrote:

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