My deer come up on the deck to say howdy to me and my cougar visits ever so 
often.  If we left things up to nature, there would be no overpopulation of 
deer, etc.  The cougar, wolve, coyote and bear would keep things in balance.  
But of course, we all kow these animals are dangerous and will kill us.  They 
will if we are stupid and aggrevate them.  Run and that will trigger the 
preditor instinct.  They have to be hungry before they will deal wth humans.  
My cougar looks at me nd then saunters on across the road.  I even talk to him, 
he turns and looks at me, sometimes snarls like I am a stupid old woman. We 
even have a bear across the river in an old barn and he/she has never bothered 
anyone arund this area.  In fact, you have to be lucky or really trying to 
catch sight of them.

---- Diane Rosenfeldt <> wrote: 
> My boss has 16 acres in a rural area. He's got a deer feeder there, and also
> has a place WAY up north, where baby bears sometimes come to raid the animal
> feeders he's got there. But he's also got like 97,000 guns of all types, and
> goes out gopher-hunting on his LawnBoy. I have to really zen out when he's
> talking about things he's killed. BTW, he is our county's Medical Examiner
> and has seen more human devastation and death than anybody ever should have
> to. I just get to see pictures of it. You would think he'd want to get as
> far from death as possible in his off-time, but no.
> Diane R.
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of dot winkler
> Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 7:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Hunters
> Hysterical!  L.O.L.  I love it.  The thing is, yes, some of them hunt and
> actually use the meat - smoke it, make sausage with it (yuck!). At least
> they are eating the deer.  But the thing is, the animal is so beautiful a
> creature to behold and so delicate.   How can anyone have the heart to kill
> them?  They are graceful and grace our woods and lands.  To see one in your
> yard is a special and breathtaking sight.   I don't see how anyone could do
> it.  
>   _____  
> From: Lorrie <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 11:26 AM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Hunters
> Oh how I hate hunters. They are not conservationists, but murderers.
> No hunting is allowed in our resort community, but we can hear them
> in the surrounding areas getting ready for the killing, which they
> think of as sport!  I love it when I read in the paper about hunting
> accidents where some jerk head hunter shot his buddy instead of the
> deer!!
> Lorrie
> > On 09-12, Natalie wrote: 
> > What really pisses me off when those damned hunters refer to
> > themselves, and are referred to as the only real
> > conservationists...what a joke!
> > 
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