Margo, To clarify what I wrote.... I NEVER euthanize any of my FelV cats
when they are diagnosed as positive. I keep them as long as they remain
healthy and active, which is usually 10 months to a year. However, when they
become anemic, sick, waste away, and my vet can no longer make their quality
life good, then, and only then, I feel it is time to help them over the
Rainbow Bridge... This is a decision we each make, and it is never an easy
one. I have a FelV sanctuary so I've had quite a lot of experience with the
FelV virus. I have two positive cats that are still doing well at 4 years of
age. It is different with each cat, and we each have to make our own
decision about their care. That said, I hope Polli does well with the
assisted feeding or whatever treatment Amanda has chosen for her.


   On 05-04, Margo wrote:
>         I'm very sorry that you have had such heartbreaking experience
>         with your cats. Fortunately, it isn't always that way. Each cat
>         (and human) is an individual, and wat was right for you and your
>         cats might not have been right for another situation.
>         Many Vets will suggest euthanizing any cat that tests positive. It
>         was suggested to me because it is "hospital policy" to do so. My
>         Vet knows me pretty weel, so what she said was "It would probably
>         be best to euthanize him. Now that I've said that, let's see what
>         we can do to help him". And we did. Long story short, he was
>         diagnosed as FeLV+ (previous test was negative) on March 2, my
>         birthday. At one point before that his temp was 107+. His WBC
>         count was 2.7 (Lab normal starts at 5). It was a long haul, but
>         worth it. He is back to himself today.
>         I didn't force feed. I assisted. I gave him 1/2-1 cc at a time,
>         and only until he pulled back. Then we stopped until later. He
>         never struggled. As he gained strength, he objected more quickly,
>         but would eat a bit more on his own. His appetite returned,
>         slowly.
>         He is not suffering. He will never be cured. He will always be
>         FeLV+, though someday tests may show him -, as they did when I
>         first got him. Is his lifespan likely to be short? Yes. Perhaps no
>         more than a few months. But right now, life is good. And none of
>         us know just how long we will be here.
>         This is a very tough situation, and may require really
>         gut-wrenching decisions.
>         But it isn't cut and dried. Not every FeLV positive cat must be
>         euthanized for the good of the cat. Symptoms may respond to
>         treatment, and anemia is VERY treatable. Will it work? I don;t
>         know. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
>         Some do survive. Maybe Polli will be one of the lucky ones. Maybe
>         that's not to be. Polli may not respond to treatment, or may be
>         unduly stressed by it, and it won;t be reasonable to treat her.
>         But Amanda knows her Fur kid better than anyone, and I'm sure she
>         wants what will be best for her.
>         Amanda, my thoughts will be with you and Polli. Your heart will
>         tell you what to do, and such decisions are never wrong. I will
>         support whatever choice you make, hard as it may be.
> All the best,
> Margo

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