---- Amani Oakley <> wrote: 
> Hi Maya, I will send you a private email with my vet’s name and phone number.
> Regarding the intake of food, you need to support him while he fights this 
> thing. I don’t think anyone can give you a hard and fast time frame regarding 
> when to stop, but I will do my utmost to give my cats every chance. I usually 
> can get sufficient baby food into them via syringe if necessary, for an 
> extended period of time usually. I continue as long as I see that it is 
> helping to allow him to live to fight another day. With something like 
> leukemia, when they crash, you really should expect at least a month of 
> convalescence and reduced appetite, while hopefully other things like the 
> Winstrol start to increase his blood counts. He needs to keep eating while 
> his blood counts go up, and you need to give him the time to recover.
> I know that other people have a very different view, and I have learned that 
> people really are of two minds on this. I think it is a personal decision, 
> but for me, I don’t give up unless I see there is no hope, and I don’t give 
> up well after my vets are ready to throw in the towel. Thankfully, my vets 
> know me well enough and trust me enough now, to let me work as hard as I can 
> to save my cats. They provide support and help and advice, and have been 
> wonderful enough to admit when I am successful when they had predicted 
> nothing but failure.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
> D'Alessio
> Sent: October-20-15 1:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))
> Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I 
> will pass it along to my vet immediately.
> He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and 
> won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's 
> currently on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and 
> they gave him an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).
> Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better than 
> yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How long is 
> this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see improvement? How 
> do you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated so rapidly and it 
> was so dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley 
> <<>> wrote:
> Maya,
> Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that 
> will help your cat??
> Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send you 
> some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the mind-set 
> you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our cats are dying 
> and there are few realistic alternatives.
> Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol 
> specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and 
> improving appetite.
> Here is the first - very generic.
> Amani
> P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in the 
> outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?
> _______________________________________________
> Felvtalk mailing list
> --
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo

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