
If you do decide to try the Winstrol, get his blood checked before and then 
after a few weeks on the Winstrol. If this works as well for you as it did for 
me, you will want some solid proof to demonstrate its effect. Hopefully, the 
vet will learn, as mine did since I got weekly blood work when Zander was on 
Interferon, then LTCI and then Winstrol. The blood work spoke for itself. 
Again, I have to say I have not seen anything else work so well to increase 
weight, stamina and appetite than the Winstrol so see if your vets will get it 
for you to try out.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
Sent: October-20-15 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

Hello – can I chime in here a bit? My cat Tigger is on Interferon (7 days on 
then 7 days off and repeat) for FeLV. I think it might be helping but his 
appetite is poor and I have to syringe feed him. Surprisingly a very large 
syringe seems to work better than the small ones. I go slow to make sure I 
don’t choke him and he might aspirate food into his lungs. For his comfort (and 
mind) I fold a heavy bath towel in half and put it around him the same way they 
do to us when we get our hair cut…then I clip it in back with a large office 
binder-clip. He doesn’t feel like I am restraining him and has actually gotten 
used to it, so less stress which is important for FeLV+ cats. Also I do feed 
the critical care food thinned out a bit but when he got constipated, my vet 
had me give him a couple tablespoons of pure pumpkin (no spices) and it worked 
wonderfully. I know he needs calories of good quality, but I think he also 
needs some carbs and bulk in order to keep regular, so I mix some baby food 
chicken (the #1 kind for little babies) and some rice baby cereal with some 
water. He does not seem to mind it. I also give him some water. He has since 
started eating fairly well, but still not drinking as much as he should. He is 
also on the appetite stimulant you mentioned.

I had not heard about Winstrol before. The vets in my area have always 
euthanized cats at the first mention of FeLV so treating Tigger is a big of a 
learning experience for both of the offices that I take him to. I believe 
taking him to both clinics is sort of giving him a second opinion and they are 
both telling me they are learning about treating FeLV from him. Thank you very 
much for allowing me to be a part of this group and learn.
Ardy Robertson

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I will 
pass it along to my vet immediately.

He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and 
won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's currently 
on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and they gave him 
an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).

Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better than 
yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How long is 
this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see improvement? How do 
you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated so rapidly and it was so 
dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley 
<<>> wrote:

Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that will 
help your cat??

Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send you 
some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the mind-set 
you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our cats are dying 
and there are few realistic alternatives.

Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol 
specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and 
improving appetite.

Here is the first - very generic.


P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in the 
outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?

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Maya D'Alessio
PhD student
B1 377B, x32320
Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
Biology GSA Vice Chair
GSA Director At-Large
University of Waterloo
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