Isn’t it exciting when they go back to doing something like grooming, or 
playing a bit! So happy that the fever is down to manageable levels – I’m sure 
he feels so much better! Our Tigger opens cupboard doors, shreds toilet paper 
when the bathroom door is left open etc. I was so happy after he started 
opening doors and biting the toilet tissue again! He is able to get up on our 
bed and safely back down now, so he is claiming his spot in bed again. We love 
him so much. We had found him as a tiny kitten and thought he was starving. He 
tested negative for FeLV at that time and now five years later, after being an 
indoor-only cat and with one other negative cat, he has the virus. The vet said 
he must have had it when we found him and the test was done during a period of 
him shedding the virus. I didn’t know tests have to be repeated in order to be 
sure. We would have kept him anyway, but why test when the test is inaccurate, 
and they also told me the vaccination is not always effective. They told us he 
didn’t need to be vaccinated if he was indoor-only. I just vets would TRY to 
treat FeLV rather than giving up and euthanizing – give them a chance!



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))


Thanks Ardy.  He just was grooming for about a minute, so that was exciting! 
I've been cleaning him off (especially after the feedings) as he makes a lot of 


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 10:16 PM, Ardy Robertson < 
<> > wrote:

Hello Maya,

Just a note on your comment that your cat is not grooming himself. Our Tigger 
had a high fever – 105.8 and possibly higher before that – and was not 
grooming. I feel that the sub-cutaneous fluids helped the fever. They did that 
every day for a while, and I also gave small amounts of water by syringe. I 
used a wet wash cloth and did his grooming for him during that time, and 
believe it or not, I think he enjoyed being wiped down, he just wasn’t able to 
do it for himself. Best wishes with your cat.

Ardy Robertson



From: Felvtalk [ 
<> ] On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 1:08 PM

To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))


Thank you Amani, I really, really appreciate the support. I will agree with you 
that I do see the negative aspect of outlook from vets. With my last cat, I was 
less informed, and agreed with everything the vets were suggesting, including 
euthanization, as I was told she would just die slowly otherwise. Maybe her 
outlook could have been improved with some time and TLC. I feel a bit better 
with your 1 month time line, I was worried about a time line of days. Have your 
cats continued with fevers for that long? I am really concerned about how soon 
we should expect the fever to turn around. I think once his fever gets better 
he has a much better chance of regaining his appetite.


I have been syringe feeding the AD food (I think it's science diet), we are 
trying to get 1 can in to him every day. I know he's not extremely comfortable 
right now, but he has been a bit more active in the last day. He's not grooming 
at all though.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 2:03 PM, Amani Oakley < 
<> > wrote:

Hi Maya, I will send you a private email with my vet’s name and phone number. 


Regarding the intake of food, you need to support him while he fights this 
thing. I don’t think anyone can give you a hard and fast time frame regarding 
when to stop, but I will do my utmost to give my cats every chance. I usually 
can get sufficient baby food into them via syringe if necessary, for an 
extended period of time usually. I continue as long as I see that it is helping 
to allow him to live to fight another day. With something like leukemia, when 
they crash, you really should expect at least a month of convalescence and 
reduced appetite, while hopefully other things like the Winstrol start to 
increase his blood counts. He needs to keep eating while his blood counts go 
up, and you need to give him the time to recover.


I know that other people have a very different view, and I have learned that 
people really are of two minds on this. I think it is a personal decision, but 
for me, I don’t give up unless I see there is no hope, and I don’t give up well 
after my vets are ready to throw in the towel. Thankfully, my vets know me well 
enough and trust me enough now, to let me work as hard as I can to save my 
cats. They provide support and help and advice, and have been wonderful enough 
to admit when I am successful when they had predicted nothing but failure.




From: Felvtalk [ 
<> ] On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: October-20-15 1:56 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))


Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I will 
pass it along to my vet immediately.


He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and 
won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's currently 
on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and they gave him 
an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).


Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better than 
yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How long is 
this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see improvement? How do 
you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated so rapidly and it was so 
dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley < 
<> > wrote:


Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that will 
help your cat??

Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send you 
some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the mind-set 
you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our cats are dying 
and there are few realistic alternatives.

Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol 
specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and 
improving appetite.

Here is the first - very generic.


P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in the 
outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?

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Maya D'Alessio

PhD student

B1 377B, x32320

Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator

Biology GSA Vice Chair

GSA Director At-Large

University of Waterloo

Felvtalk mailing list <>



Maya D'Alessio

PhD student

B1 377B, x32320

Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator

Biology GSA Vice Chair

GSA Director At-Large

University of Waterloo

Felvtalk mailing list <>



Maya D'Alessio

PhD student

B1 377B, x32320

Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator

Biology GSA Vice Chair

GSA Director At-Large

University of Waterloo

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