On 26 Sep 2005 at 15:40, Darcy James Argue wrote:

> On 26 Sep 2005, at 2:22 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:
> > The difficulty with using the Apple
> > format is that none of my audio programs would probably be able to
> > use it directly to write CDs or make MP3s (other than iTunes
> > itself).
> Sure, but if you need to burn to CD, you can use iTunes to convert 
> the Apple Lossless files back to WAV as needed.

Well, sure, but with my old slow PC, this is a lot of work. If I make 
an audio CD from the WAV files created from MIDI, then I can use that 
audio CD to create new WAV files or MP3s as needed, without needing 
to depend on Apple's file format at all.

> > I wish I knew what iTunes was doing (beyond
> > normalization, which I do on the WAV files before conversion to MP3,
> > but on a whole work, rather than on individual movements) because
> > I'd love to be able to save it into the MP3 files permanently (like
> > saving HP data in Finale).
> Is it possibly the settings in iTunes' mixer? I don't think there's 
> any way of writing that into the audio file.

There's a mixer in iTunes? The version I have is 4, and I'm not about 
to upgrade to 5, given that I am running Win2K (and iTunes 5 is known 
to completely trash Win2K systems when installed).

> > I actually haven't tried creating an MP3
> > with iTunes itself to see if it made a better MP3 -- I should try it
> > (though I'd miss batch conversion).
> You can load and convert an entire folder at once in iTunes.

I'll have to experiment with how this works, as it's not obvious to 
me from the UI.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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