On 8 Jan 2011 at 9:57, Raymond Horton wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 5:01 AM, Steve Parker <st...@pinkrat.co.uk>
> wrote:
> > I can't argue with the fact that people seem to want it the way it
> > is!
> No one on this list wants to use it the way it is.  Some argue that
> others may.  All of us want a new option.

Er, not everyone on the list has weighed in.

I have no problems with the way it works, as I don't have perfect 
pitch, so would only aurally proof what I'm hearing relatively to 
what's been sounded before. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest to 
hear a C when the screen displays a Bb.

The other thing that I don't think people are carefully thinking 
through is that when you're doing this, there are, potentially, two 
synthesizers involved playing the sound, your keyboard and whatever 
audio device you've got set up to play in Finale. The present Finale 
setup allows both to sound simultaneously without any conflict. If, 
however, Finale played the transposed pitch and the keyboard the 
notated pitch, then you'd have a conflict.

Someone in the discussion suggested that Finale should tell the 
keyboard to play the notated pitch, but that involves sending MIDI 
transposition commands to the keyboard, and that just overly 
complicates things, seems to me.

Personally, I just can't see why people get bent out of shape about 
this. If you've got perfect pitch, a transposed score is going to 
require some mental gymnastics already, and this is just another form 
of that, seems to me.

I would vote for having Finale stay the way it is by default. If an 
option were added to have Speedy play the concert pitch or the 
transposed pitch, that would be OK, as long as it didn't screw up the 
behaviors that already work (e.g., the way anything other than clef 
can lead to entry errors when entering a Speedy frame).

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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