On 2 Feb 2011 at 16:48, dc wrote:

> Jari Williamsson écrit:
> >As I understand it, there are at least 2 "schools" regarding
> >barlines: One with thicker barlines than staff lines, and one with
> >same width. For parts (but not for scores) I often use thicker
> >barlines than staff lines.
> I recall reading somewhere (but where?) that it isn't good for
> legibility to have lines the same size in both directions. (My stems
> are thicker than my staff lines, and by barlines are a bit thicker
> than my stems.)

This is exactly the kind of discussion that I think points out the 
difference between professional engravers and normal users. I 
consider myself a "normal" user (for some definition of "normal," of 
course!) -- I don't tweak this kind of stuff. It looks just fine to 
me with Finale's defaults.

I spend all my time tweaking layout to get legibility and page turns, 
not small-scale details like that. You guys probably consider these 
line-width issues to be important for "legibility," but for me, as 
someone accustomed to playing from all kinds of sources, engraved, 
handwritten, etc., I'm much less concerned with that than with 
getting the stuff out quickly and readably, and laid out in a way 
that works well in performance.

These kind of low-level defaults are exactly what I meant by my point 
about the different engraving programs. Sibelius requires less 
tweaking than Finale (though if you don't like Sibelius's defaults, 
it can be more difficult to overcome them than with Finale), so far 
as I can tell, because it just won't let you produce something stupid 
(as Finale does).

On the other hand, the past three weeks, I've spent most of my time 
redoing things that were earlier correct. I'm really, really over the 
model of page layout where settings follow the system on the page, 
and are not connected to the actual music that's displayed in a 
particular system. I've spent SO MUCH time redoing lyrics vertical 
spacing and re-optimizing because I was tightening up layout to use 
fewer pages. Basically, I've concluded that you have to use Finale 
the way old-style engravers did -- decide on the layout on the front 
end, freeze it, and don't do any final adjustments until the page 
layout is completely frozen. I'd certainly like a better way of doing 
all of that, but I'm stuck with Finale since I don't have time to 
learn something else.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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