Instead of using mx:Canvas try using s:BorderContainer.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="";

             color: #DEDACF;
             contentBackgroundColor: #DEDACF;
             backgroundImage: Embed(BannerBackground.jpg);
             backgroundImageFillMode: repeat;

     <s:BorderContainer width="100%" height="600" styleName="bgImage">
         <s:Label text="CSS Background test" />


--- In, "Davidson, Jerry"
<jerry.davidson@...> wrote:
> Alex, you might be "Flex harUI" in the other forum.  But I'm going to
> ask the question here as no one there seems to know the answer.
> I'm trying to convert a Flex 3 application to Flex 4.  I find CSS
> working under Flex 4 as it did before.  What I want to do is set a
> ground image on a canvas object.  Here is that object:
>       <mx:Canvas
>             xmlns:mx="";
>             xmlns:s="library://"
>             styleName="bgImage"
>             backgroundColor="#DEDACF"
>             borderColor="#DEDACF"
>             width="100%"
>             horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
> Here is "bgImage":
> .bgImage {
> /*    background-image: "/src/images/BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*    background-image: "src/images/BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*    background-image: "images/BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*    background-image: "/images/BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*    background-image: "../images/BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*    background-image: "../BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*    background-image: "FSCalc/images/BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*    background-image: url(images/BannerBackground.jpg); */
> /*    background-image: url("images/BannerBackground.jpg"); */
> /*    background-image: url("/images/BannerBackground.jpg"); */
> /*    background-image: url("../images/BannerBackground.jpg"); */
>       background-image: url("FSCalc/images/BannerBackground.jpg");
> /*    background-image: Embed("images/BannerBackground.jpg"); */
> /*    background-image: Embed("/images/BannerBackground.jpg"); */
> /*    background-image: Embed("../images/BannerBackground.jpg"); */
> /*    background-image: Embed(source="images/BannerBackground.jpg");
> /*    background-image: Embed(source="/images/BannerBackground.jpg");
> */
> /*    background-image:
> */
> /*    background-image:
> */
>       text-align: right;
>       border-style: solid;
>       }
> Obviously, many tests have not resulted in something that works.  The
> directory structure as I see it in Flash is:
> FSCalc
>                 src
>                                 css
>                                 DHSclasses
>                                 images
>                                 scripts
> If I change the color in the CSS class, I do see the color change in
> canvas object.  Therefore, I know that the CSS is available to the
> component.
> Any ideas anyone?

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