Norman Vine wrote:
> Andy Ross wrote:
> > There is no way to keep the old scaling scheme and be
> > view-independent at the same time, sadly.
> If this is true then there is no way we can maintain a 2D overlay,
> library which is what the existing HUD code is, with Andy's changes

Sure there is.  But the ladder will only work at 1024x768 with the
default view direction and field of view.  That limitation is OK (I
guess) for the 2D stuff, since it wasn't a problem for anyone before.
But it's a show stopper for view independence, so I had to fix it.

You can't seriously be arguing that replacing a magic compression
factor of "12.6316" (I'm pretty sure the correct value should be
11.6363, FWIW) with "1" is a bad thing?  It even works in 2D mode, so
long as you are running at the right resolution.

I mean, take another look and maybe re-read the thread.  I still
completely fail to understand what has you so upset.  Everything you
wanted, you have.

To change the subject a little: Has anyone looked at the other two
patches yet?  One is trivial and would be really nice to get into the
code base pronto.  The other is an important feature that really
requires discussion before it goes in.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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