Jon Berndt wrote
> One feature in JSBSim that I began and have not yet finished 
> (pending other
> things) is a parent/child capability. You can (for instance) 
> load a Mk82 on an F-16 and the physical effects of the Mk82 
> will affect the F-16. The position is based on the position 
> of the parent, and so is the orientation. However, the Mk82 
> position is not integrated, it always has a position based on 
> the parent, UNTIL it is released. Then, the EOM begins 
> integrating and the flyout is physics based.
> The child objects are each their own individual JSBSim 
> objects in their own right, and each could be loaded and 
> flown by itself. The JSBSim executive is sort of recursive in 
> this way. Each would be addressable in a way that I think 
> Tony set up with Properties, but I can't recall what it is.
> Technically, it is also possible for each droppable piece to 
> have its own propulsion and flight control system, too. The 
> possiblities there are quite broad.
> Unfortunately, my time is getting more limited by the day.

Sounds VERY good. I'm sure you'll get round to it in due course.


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