Andy Ross
> David Megginson wrote:
> > I've been spending a bit of time on the PA-28 model in 
> YASim, and one 
> > problem is that the engine idles far too fast sitting still on the 
> > ground (around 1000 rpm, instead of 600-650 rpm).  Is there 
> any simple 
> > parameter I can tune to slow it down a bit?
> Not really.  The propeller torque near zero airspeed is just 
> too low right now.  I'm really happy with the way the 
> existing propeller model works under normal cases; it works 
> backwards from an efficiency curve to come up with a model 
> that produces good physics for simple inputs without going 
> wacky in some important regime.  It's not good with edge 
> cases, though.
> One option would be to port another engine/propeller model 
> onto the existing yasim::Thruster interface.  This might not 
> follow the "solution from known performance" idiom, but for 
> the case of a single aircraft can probably be tuned to work better.
> Short term, we could try to hack in a "idle speed" or 
> "minimum torque coefficient" or somesuch too, although even 
> that is probably going to be difficult.
> > What do we need to do to get YASim to publish convincing values for 
> > these properties for piston engines?
> >   /engines/engine[*]/oil-pressure-psi
> >   /engines/engine[*]/oil-temperature-degf
> >   /engines/engine[*]/fuel-pressure-psi
> I'm not quite sure what convincing values for these 
> properties would be.  The pressures are pump-driven and are, 
> or should be, static under normal conditions, right?  The oil 
> temperature can probably be driven by a low-pass-filtered 
> output power.  Maybe a tiny bit of YASim-specific Nasal glue 
> is what's required here.

So far as oil-pressure-psi is concerned a normalised number increasing with
rpm should do the trick - we can then set max/min values. Oil temperature
hmmmm - a function of OAT and rpm and any movable cowling - too engine
specific - too difficult? 

 > > Once YASim is running, it takes control of the 
> > /consumables/fuel/tank[*]/level-gal_us property (as well as the 
> > associated weight property) and will not accept changes.  
> To simulate 
> > refueling, either in the ground or on the air, it would be 
> nice to be 
> > able to change these values dynamically inside a FlightGear session.
> This one is much easier to fix.  I proposed a Nasal-driven 
> fuel system a few months back, and still have half-finished 
> YASim support for it sitting in my build tree.  The basic 
> idea is that YASim merely exports an ever-increasing 
> "consumed fuel" number for each engine.  The Nasal code then 
> poll this at some sane frequency (maybe 3 Hz), inspects 
> configuration, subtracts the fuel from the appropriate tanks, 
> sets engine out-of-fuel flags, and finally resets the 
> consumed fuel numbers to zero.  YASim then just reads the 
> fuel quantities for mass calculation only.
> The best part is that this can be done portably.  The 
> consumed fuel properties will be missing for non-YASim 
> aircraft and the script can simply disable itself.  And for 
> the future, arbitrarily complicated fuel flow schemes can be 
> implemented entirely in Nasal with no FDM support needed.

That's very sophisticated. All I need is the ability to set fuel values, but
this would be very interesting.
> I'll try to get this working tonight.

Thank you


Vivian Meazza

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