Ah. Thanks. I'll try that. I was hoping to try and get along with
something slightly less stodgy than Cygwin, though. I was also hoping to
use MSYS so that I didn't need to use Cygwin or a windows IDE to produce
the makefile. I've always thought that Cygwin was a little heavy for
something that should be quite simple :)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Norman Vine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 19 April 2004 21:28
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: RE: [Flightgear-devel] Building FlightGear / getting some
> Andy Ross writes:
> >
> > Giles Robertson wrote:
> > > Not that I've noticed. It would be useful for mingw32. I've tried
> > > building on that, and it compiles fine, but the linker fails
> > > the input is too long ;).
> >
> > The linker fails with long file lists?  That sounds odd --
> The Windows cmd shell has a command line length limitation
> that I get around by using MingW from a Cygwin bash shell.
> Compiling from a bash shell under MSYS might work too
> I don't really know as I haven't used it
> Note when using bash under Cygwin you need to substitute
> the Cygwin 'make' for the MingW 'make' and you will need to
> configure using the appropriate --prefix argument for your system
> Perhaps the easiest way around this is to use the standard way
> of overcoming the Windows command line length limitation by
> redirecting the link command line to a file and then massaging that
> so as to have the final linking arguments to gcc be read from that
> I believe that this could be done using the --dry-run flag for make
> but I have nevered tried this as I use a Cygwin shell as outlined
> Norman

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