Curtis L. Olson wrote:
I have an application in the pipeline where I'll need to play left engine sound out of the left speaker and right engine sound out of the right ... hopefully resulting in the proper effect when an engine goes out.

As far as I know, this is impossible to do directly with plib because it only supports 8 bit mono sounds ... no stereo. You can't even fake it by crafting two .wav files one with no right channel and one with no left ... no stereo support in plib.

I'm looking at OpenAL and it appears that everything has to be positioned spacially (for good or bad). I'm going to quietly ingore the calls for doppler affects, etc. and other fancy stuff at this point ... that would go into the "someday after the basics are working" bin.

Does anyone have strong opinions against OpenAL or have reasons I shouldn't explore it? I might try support both plib and openal ... or not depending on how things go ... the sound code isn't all that complicated, but there is some library dependencies wired in there.

This would add another build dependency to FG, but OpenAL is a pretty standard thing that appears to support all the platforms that plib supports.


Go with SDL's sound support. SDL itself supports OpenAL giving best of both worlds.


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