David Luff wrote

We had a fantastic time :-)  There were five of us there for the two days
and it was great to meet the others for the first time and put a face to
virtual identities.  Having the stand in a helicopter in the main hall
definately created much more of an impact than we would have had downstairs
in a booth.  There was a queue to fly for the whole of the two days - one
of the few real problems was that due to the five minutes or so it took to
get each person seated, instructed, and up, round and down a smallish
looking queue actually represented quite a long wait timewise.  It was good
to talk to everyone waiting though - almost without exception everyone was
very enthusiastic about FlightGear, although most had not tried it before.
Quite a few had flown MSFS.  Kids under 13 or so seemed to pick up flying
the chopper much faster than anyone else!  There were quite a few
fixed-wing pilots, but not many rotary pilots - the only helicopter pilot I
spoke to (I believe there was another) discovered that our model won't
autorotate.  One chap had flown in the actual helicopter on display as a
passenger many years ago.  Congrats to Jon for putting all the hard work in
organising.  I don't have a digital camera but I think the others did.  I'm
sure there'll be longer reports from all of us soon.

In summary - Fantastic :-)) <<


Wearing my linux user/ expo visitor hat; I agree that having the aircraft in the main hall was a great idea, having an aircraft there at all was a fab idea.
Wearing my helicopter flying/instructing hat :- ditto :) ... apart from the lack of real world autorotation. I don't usually have such a spectatular landing when practicing the real thing :)
Single engine choppers glide quite nicely albeit to a relatively nearby field.

Engine fails, lever fully down, adopt autorotation speed (depends on type flown and where the field is) keep nose into wind with pedal*, adjust rrpm ( depending on weight ) ...wait for the ground to get nearer, around 30 - 40' stick gently back, gentle flare to reduce forward speed, level ship, let her settle onto ground.
Switches: off, get cup of tea.

I was most impressed with Flightgear and if I can help with any real heli stuff just me know.
Off to practice some more.


* which pedal depends on direction of blade rotation.

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