Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> axis 2 and 3 need to be exchanged
>     Linux 2 == Windows 3 == rudder
>     Linux 3 == Windows 2 == throttle
> axis 4 and 5 are hat on Linux and becomes 6 and 7 on Windows.
>    Linux 4 == Windows 6 == left/right
>    Linux 5 == Windows 7 == up/down

This isn't universally true, however.  Here are the linux mappings for
my X45, which appear to match what you describe as the windows
conventions for the hat and rudder, while the throttle matches

  0 Aileron
  1 Elevator
  2 Top "dial" on the throttle
  3 Rudder
  4 Throttle
  5 Bottom "dial" on the throttle
  6 Hat left/right
  7 Hat up/down

I've never tested to see what the windows mappings are.  Perhaps
they're the same?  I know this stick wanted a custom windows driver to
be loaded, and doesn't work with the default USB stack under windows.


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