Innis Cunningham wrote:

> Hi Curt
> I downloaded the windows binaries last night for
> 9.4 and the problem of the drop down menu's
> locking the sim up still seem to exist.Even if you
> go to exit FG and then select cancel the sim locks up.

Hey Innis,

you just downloaded the release that is 3 months old !
There is no *** 0.9.5555555 *** ( not 4 ) Win32 binary

FYI, the menu lockup has been corrected in the binary below
and is ok for the upcoming release.


> The reason that I downloaded the binaries was that I
> have just built a new box,that I am going to put linux
> on,but wanted to find out how the new box compaired
> for speed to the old box. To my surprise the frame rates
> were worse than the old box.
> The following tests were done using windows 98SE
> The old box was a 850meg duron with 256 meg ram and
> a GF4-MX-440 64meg graphics card.On this box I could get 27fps
> sitting at the end of 28R at KSFO looking at the terminal.
> The new box a 2gig athalon with 512meg ram and a FX5200
> 128meg graphics card could only give 22fps under the same
> conditions.Also my son who has a 2.8 gig rig running an ATI 9800pro
> card could only get 15fps.It seems the more powerfull the computer
> the slower FG seems to run.
> Now I dont know why that is but if we want to get new people into
> FG we should see what the problem is.
> As my son says if he had downloaded the game(sorry sim)and seen these
> kind of results he would have just scrubed it and moved on and I guess
> there are a lot of other people who would do the same thing.
> My son says that he gets frame rates of well over 100 on Quake and Doom
> which seem to be much more graphics intensive than FG.
> Also I noticed that in the 9.4 base the runfgfs bat file has been removed.
> Was there a reason for this.
> I guess I did not notice this before because I was running the 9.4
> with the CVS version of the base package and my own bat files.
> When I ran the 9.4 version I downloaded last night it seemed to flash up
> a dos window saying bad command or file name about were I would expect
> to see the Alpha window on my other version of 9.4.The sim would then
> continue to load.But once loaded the runway had black lines at the end of
> each texture.
> I have seen this before when running AC3D and FG 9.4 at the same time on
> my old box.On that system the sim would, under those conditions, only run
> about 1fps or less.But in that case I could get the sim to run correctly
> shutting
> down AC3D(maybe a memory thing).But with the version I downloaded last
> I could not get the black lines to disappear at all.
> Is anyone else seeing this.
> >From the air the runway looks like a step ladder.
> Also on the new box the frame rates do not seem to change if I
> have full fog or no fog.On the old box the frame rates would half
> with no fog
> So with a new version coming out could these problems be looked at.
> -
> >Curtis Olson
> Thanks in advance
> Cheers
> Innis
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