Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:
Scrubbing FlightGear because of framerates was excatly what a friend of mine did. I agree with Innis that someone should fix this problem.

The following tests were done using windows 98SE
The old box was a 850meg duron with 256 meg ram and
a GF4-MX-440 64meg graphics card.On this box I could get 27fps
sitting at the end of 28R at KSFO looking at the terminal.
The new box a 2gig athalon with 512meg ram and a FX5200
128meg graphics card could only give 22fps under the same
conditions.Also my son who has a 2.8 gig rig running an ATI 9800pro
card could only get 15fps.It seems the more powerfull the computer
the slower FG seems to run.
Now I dont know why that is but if we want to get new people into
FG we should see what the problem is.

This is the penalty for those who want eye-candy. If specular highlighting is supported it will be enabled an make FlightGear slower.


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