TaxiDraw-0.2.2 is now released.  Versions 0.2.2 and 0.2.1 fix several
serious bugs in v0.2.0 - all users should upgrade.  TaxiDraw is available
from  Changes are as

************* 0.2.2 ***********

Version 0.2.2 fixes several serious bugs in the X-Plane format writer
present in 0.2.0 and 0.2.1.  All users should upgrade, since X-Plane format
is becoming the default format for FlightGear in the very near future.

************* 0.2.1 ***********

Version 0.2.1 fixes several serious bugs in 0.2.0, and adds some feature
refinements.  All users should upgrade.

Changes from 0.2.0:

* Removed an undocumented option left over from early development testing
where pressing 'Y' would silently move the selected taxiway to position 3
in the list.  Ouch - how did that get left in?

* Fixed a nasty bug where repeately viewing the properties of one taxiway
could reduce either the length or width by one foot each time.  This seems
to have only occured on Linux, not Windows.

* Improved the taxiway selection criteria where more than one taxiway is
under the mouse-click location.  Previously the highest taxiway in the list
was selected.  Now the criteria is that if one taxiway under the click
point is already selected that will be selected again, otherwise that the
smallest taxiway under the click point will be selected.  This makes
operations on small taxiway segments that are largly obscured by larger
ones much easier.  Additionally, taxiways are now selected preferentially
to runways where an overlap occurs at the selection point.

* Fixed the grid corruption bug which occured at certain projections and
zoom values.

* Moving runways and beacons can now be un-done, and will set the dirty

* Cancel now works for the runway and taxiway dialogs (previously data was
transferred even if cancel was pressed).

* Changing taxiway or runway properties through the properties dialog can
now be un-done, and will set the dirty flag.

* Constrained move now works for runways (when unlocked!).  Pressing shift
whilst dragging with the mouse will constrain a runway or taxiway to move
only in the direction of its longitudinal axis - this was already
implemented for taxiways but not runways.

* The default editing units can now be set to meters if desired.  This
setting will be remembered between sessions.  This is not recommended,
since the data is saved between sessions in integer feet (as in the master
databases), but since the foot has a significantly smaller resolution than
meters this should work OK for those who really want to work in meters.

* Runways can now be locked and unlocked from the edit menu, and the
shortcut key to toggle the runway lock has been changed from 'U' to
'Ctrl+Shift+U' to make accidental unlocking harder.

* Lighting preview can now be accessed from the View menu.

* Fixed a gcc-2.95 compile error.

Cheers - Dave

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