On dim 30 septembre 2007, Heiko Schulz wrote:
> Hi,
> I found a way to have a quite realistic looking
> reflect-effect on aircraft skins.
> The trick is to use multitexture. It is in principale
> the same technique like seen in MSFS without any hits
> on fps.
> Unfortunately I did not found yet a comfortable way to
> controll it- so I modified the chrome-texture.
> But I'm sure there is a way somewhere in OSG- maybe
> someone can help.
> I did a small .tar.gz with a example file and a small
> note. Copy the files to the A380 and you will see the
> effect.
> http://www.hoerbird.net/fgfs-screen-457.jpg
> http://www.hoerbird.net/fgfs-screen-456.jpg
> http://www.hoerbird.net/fgfs-screen-458.jpg
> http://www.hoerbird.net/osg-reflect-effect-example.tar.gz
> It is only a simple hack- so it can be improved
> easliy.
> Greetings
Hello, Heiko
That is a nice demonstration, and with it, you open the door to a lot of 
questions about osg model format.
I dare one :)
=>How to have Internal animations within the model triggered by SG/FG  
(aileron, elevators,  ......)  ?



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