On 12/17/2008 08:04 PM, Csaba Halász wrote:

> I assume you are not using sync-to-vblank or fps throttle. 

That's a correct assumption.  Forsooth, I've never heard of 
sync-to-vblank or fps throttle in this context.  The names
sound nice, but
 -- They are not mentioned in --help --verbose
 -- They do not appear in the drop-down menus AFAICT.
 -- They do not appear in the getstart manual or in
  any of the plain-text documents in data/Docs AFAICT.

I mention this because I'm trying to test things from
the user's point of view.  If these features are going
to be important to users, it would be useful to put
them where users can find them.

Or ... maybe turn them on by default.  Recomputing the
image at a rate that exceeds the refresh rate of the
display seems kinda pointless, unless I'm overlooking

>> 44:: Memory hog: When the sim is paused, if you leave it alone for 15
>>  minutes or so, it starts eating virtual memory at the rate of several
>>  megabytes per minute.

> Are you on multiplayer by any chance? This issue should be investigated.

Not on multiplayer.  No funny options.  All I did 
was fire up fgfs, pause it, and go out to dinner.

As I said at the top of this thread, I haven't had
time to give rc2 a thorough workout.  I'm just 
reporting bugs that leap out at me when I try to 
use some of the basic features.

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