On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:04 AM, John Denker <j...@av8n.com> wrote:
> 43:: CPU hog: When the sim is paused, it eats CPU cycles.  It will
>  happily use 99+% of the CPU if there is no competition.  I don't
>  understand why any appreciable CPU cycles are needed during pause.

I assume you are not using sync-to-vblank or fps throttle. Those would
keep resource usage limited. I don't think any further optimization
for the paused state is worthwhile.

> 44:: Memory hog: When the sim is paused, if you leave it alone for 15
>  minutes or so, it starts eating virtual memory at the rate of several
>  megabytes per minute.
>  These observations lead me to conjecture that some
>  type of events or messages are getting backlogged during pause, but
>  are belatedly processed when the pause ends, thereby freeing up some
>  space on the free list.

Are you on multiplayer by any chance? This issue should be investigated.


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