On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 3:12 PM, John Denker <j...@av8n.com> wrote:
> On 01/02/2009 03:28 PM, Alex Perry wrote:
> >From the point of view of implementation in a simulator, just take the
>> actual slope number for a specific runway and combine that with the
>> aircraft's position to generate a ratio.  Repair the ratio to allow
>> for the side lobes (which as I recall are the standard series with a
>> negative at 6 and one you can follow at 9).  Then pass that ratio to
>> the instrument implementation.
> I agree with all of that.  And I have implemented it in the code,
> including the extra lobes i.e. false glide slopes.
> ===========
> Tangential remark:  I am surprised by this reference:
>  http://www.freepatentsonline.com/3757338.html
> which alleges
>          For reasons well known to those skilled in the art but
>          to minor importance here, the first significant side lobe,
>          that is a side lobe which comprises a stable false glide
>          slope indistinguishable from the true glide slope except
>          for its steepness, occurs at 5A.
> I'm wondering if that's a typo.  A 9 degree false glideslope is
> more-or-less followable but a 15 degree false GS would be too
> steep to be followable without extraordinary effort.  I've seen
> students actually capture and try to follow a false GS.  It's not
> easy but it can be done.  So I've implemented 6-degree periodicity,
> i.e. 3, 6r, 9, 12r, etc. where "r" means reverse sensing.
> OTOH it might not be a typo.  I haven't worked out the electrodynamics
> of the situation, so I can't be sure what's actually going on.

Nor me.  I recall seeing the analysis somewhere (but I don't remember
where).  It could be that 2A is a null rather than reversed, in which
case 3A is the reverse, 4A would be the next null and 5A is indeed the
next followable slope.  9 degrees is 1000 fpm for a C172 and is
trivially achievable without special effort.  15 degrees implies
intentional increase in drag.  However, gear down and approach flaps
_is_ an increase in drag ... so the additional drag of taking the
engine to completely idle may be enough without adding more flaps.

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