On 3 Jan 2009, at 16:17, John Denker wrote:
> They don't care what local units are used to communicate
> between the tuner and the CDI head.  It could be "gallons"
> as Torsten mentioned.
> The existing code uses [0 ± 10] gallons for the left/right
> needle and [0 ± 3.5] gallons for the up/down needle.  The
> xml instrument designers have come to terms with this.
> Some comments here and there, documenting this convention,
> wouldn't hurt.  IMHO nothing more than comments is worth
> bothering with.

> On the scale of things, this is not "broken".  There are
> dozens upon dozens of things far more broken than this.

Except that, it caused the GPWS code to misbehave, and I am enough of  
pedant that I am not prepared to accept an arbitrary scale of gallons  
just because that's what's gone before. My dislike of magic numbers /  
units / scales is really quite intense. I understand that from a  
strictly pragmatic point of view, the easiest thing would be to just  
do one more magic conversion in the Mk-VIII code, but, yuck.

> Not a great idea, for reasons discussed below, including
> the fact that it fails miserably for RNAV units.

Well, in the medium term, I have another idea on that front, but I  
really want to get the GPWS working better, so that's a discussion for  
another day. For now, let's just say that navradio is a very bad fit  
for RNAV or GPS units, and that things there will have to change, but  
not as part of this work. One thing at a time, and all that.

> The existing scheme, which puts out a normalized
> full-scale deflection, is almost realistic and has
> proven perfectly adequate over the years.  The
> choice of what the normalization constant should
> be is a private matter between the tuner-designers
> and the CDI-designers.   Fussing over private
> matters doesn't do the users much good.

Except it's normalised to these somewhat arbitrary values, so rather  
than just agreeing on some bad values because they exist, why not add/ 
migrate to some that actually make sense, and stop people (eg, Syd)  
guessing what full-range is.

I.e, let's just normalise to [-1.0 .. 1.0] and be done with it.  
(Except, as Torsten just noted, the values can probably go slightly  
beyond that, since any clamping should be done at the panel-instrument  
level, not the receiver level).


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