When I ran the research flight simulator for a major aircraft manufacturer 
in the UK (many moons ago when we still had such an industry), we had a 
"Ask 10 test pilots for their opinion, and you will get 10 different 

The same will apply here. Someone who is interested in commercial airliners 
will have a different view from a light aircraft pilot who wishes to hone 
his IFR techniques, or from another light aircraft pilot who want to know 
how to fly VFR in a congested area, or from a military pilot. etc. etc. etc. 
The gamers probably donĀ“t understand what you are asking. They just need a 
pretty map so that they can find the way back to an airfield.

Keep up the work, it looks like a very good start.

I would suggest that you keep as close as possible to a common format, 
either one that is available in printed form, or as represented in a modern 
glass cockpit. As most users are limited to small PC screens keep it 
uncluttered, or allow information layers to be turned on and off.


-----Original Message----- 
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 12:07 AM
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: [Flightgear-devel] Mapping Airspace

Hi all

To improve our map resources with further data I started an experiment
with free available airspace data. Actually this is far from being a
good map and finished design, it is just a start to implement
(unofficial!) airspace information:

I need probably some advice from real pilots around here for what is
useful to map for FlightGear airspace, and how this should be displayed.
I think I am aware of regular ICAO graphics definitions etc. But I dont
want to design well known (and also free available) maps, I just want to
develop a design as a "overview" and some really necessary items i.e.
for learning the basics or whatelse. There is no RFC for what I am doing
here, I am just playing around with data and an new Mapnik Server and
ask for discussion and contribution.

(Notice, my new signature since I send this links to the list and
elsewhere: Please do not use any of this material for real navigation!
NEVER. Do only use this to help developing and improving the design of
my maps ;-).

Cheers, Yves

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