On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Gene Buckle wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Curtis Olson wrote:
> > 11: RC Pilot.  Stays under 400' AGL and outside a 3 mile radius from any
> > airport.  Probably flying at a club site and doesn't care about air
> spaces.
> > Has no way to estimate if he's over or under 400' AGL and probably is
> > flying a plane that can climb 500' per second and hover at 2 clicks of
> > throttle.  Is annoyed when a VIP flies into the big airport 30 miles away
> > and his club field is just barely inside the TFR radius and he can't even
> go
> > out there and fly a paper airplane for several hours.
> >
> 11a: RC Pilot.  Flies out of backyard whenever the hell he wants,
> regularly sees how high he can get using a 2lb electric Slow-Stik and a
> fancy altimeter downlink.  Doesn't worry about how tiny a 40" model is at
> 2000ft, has FPV goggles for that.

11b: Smart RC Pilot: Doesn't post publicly about his misadventures, and has
never been above 400' or anywhere close to inside or above the clouds.

Curtis Olson:
http://www.atiak.com - http://aem.umn.edu/~uav/
http://www.flightgear.org - http://gallinazo.flightgear.org
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