On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 4:36 PM, Arnt Karlsen <a...@c2i.net> wrote:

> ..tried to set camera target to some place on-shore with the camera
> operator click-to-point-to-orbit, on climb-out this is over-ridden
> to Carrier,

Hi Arnt,

There is some logic going on there to try to automatically guess what an
operator is most likely to want or a user will find most interesting to look
at.  I won't claim this handles every situation, but in the short term why
not get airborne, climb out and then find the spot you want to look at?
 This is intended to be a demonstration of a few different uav concepts
implemented in FlightGear.

> just like on the Alphas.  Beta02 is a step in the wrong
> direction, the drone climbs to ~800ft before diving into the drink.

A couple things: I haven't tested with the Nimitz -- sorry, can't vouch for
what might or might not work there.  I've only flown with the Vinson.  It's
basically a problem that I lack infinite time.

Is this still on your tablet pc that gets 2-3 fps.  Honestly, this demo will
never work with frame rates that low, sorry.

What version of FlightGear are you flying?  I'm testing with v2.4 and git
here, again I don't have infinite time to test on earlier versions.  Again
sorry about that.

..on resets, launch is uncommanded, one engine dies,

The only time I've see the f-14b engine flame out has been due to lack of
fuel?  You might try calling the fuel truck over and topping you off if you
have problems with your engine not running.

> and the drone
> drives and dives in to that side off the bow.
> ..incompatible with FG-1.9.1, unless we fix it.

Yeah, sorry, there's a limit to the number of combinations of versions and
scenarios I can test and try to support.  This was developed for the v2.4
release so going forward you can ding me for not being backwards compatible
with v2.4, but it's hard to ask for something developed today to be
compatible with 2 1/2 year old release of our code.

Anyway, I appreciate you trying it and sorry it didn't work out.  I think if
I try to put together another demo like this, perhaps it will be base on a
heavier than air balloon ...

Curtis Olson:
http://www.atiak.com - http://aem.umn.edu/~uav/
http://www.flightgear.org - http://gallinazo.flightgear.org
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