Hello, Nicola!
You wrote to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 21 Feb 2002 15:06:44 +0100:

 NKB> Better still... give the JPanel like you propose and Actions that
 NKB> (if needed) can be easily put in a toolbar.
Yes, exactly.
It better because most of developers use their fill and look.
They use custom buttons and other stuff.

And one more about I concern it is size of FOP.
All my application with all drivers and everything what I need :
(ivLib.jar, library.jar, manager.jar, mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar)  = 861,347 bytes
And FOP:
(avalon-framework-4.0.jar, batik.jar, fop.jar, jimi-1.0.jar, logkit-1.0b4.jar,
xalan-2.2.D14.jar, xerces-1.4.4.jar)  = 7,245,957 bytes

At least you should repack all libraryes and take only classes which you actually need.
Because from this point it hard to use application thru JavaWebStart.

Yours sincerely, Ivan Latysh.

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