When I build the project or part of it with Eclipse, and run findbugs
afterwards (with ant), I get a number of errors. Now I always make a
clean compile before running findbugs. I do not understand why Eclipse
builds would create findbugs errors where a clean ant build does not.
It makes findbugs seem fickle.

I just tested it. With 'ant clean findbugs' I get 0 errors and
warnings. With eclipse clean and build project, I get 23 low priority


On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 12:58:06PM -0700, Glenn Adams wrote:
> The current trunk shows no warnings during ANT compile. Please make
> reference to the current trunk/HEAD as 1.0 is published and history at this
> time.
> It's a different matter with certain IDEs, e.g., Eclipse, which set their
> warning levels to a more sensitive level than the ANT build.
> Although it would be nice to eliminate such additional warnings, it is not
> as high priority IMO as ensuring that new compile, checkstyle, or findbugs
> warnings/errors do not appear during ANT builds. At the same time, warnings
> that do appear should not automatically be excluded without careful, manual
> review.
> G.
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Eric Douglas <edoug...@blockhouse.com>wrote:
> > I haven't looked at the trunk lately but 1.0 has a ton of warnings, at
> > least in my compile.
> > I don't know how much warnings have changed over the versions.
> > I think it was originally written to compile on Java 1.4 or maybe even
> > 1.3.
> > 1.5 shows thousands of warnings, 1.6 shows more.
> > Some of the warnings are quirky (raw type list?), some are just wasteful
> > (dead code? Local variable never referenced?).
> > If there's code which is actually incorrect logic it needs to be fixed.
> > If there's code which is just incomplete logic, maybe setting something
> > up for a future improvement someone wanted to add, that should be
> > removed and placed in a separate to do list document.

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