Sorry, I re-checked my spam folder and the last one arrived Jul-24.

On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 1:35 PM, <> wrote:

> Whoa, I still receive spam from this mail list. :(
> While hard to track, I cannot say the same with the forums I use.
> Of course, forums can be hacked and emails exposed, but that is rare and
> targeting richer bounty.
> The fossil forum is a click away. If you resist, then write a crawler to
> retrieve the forum posts you desire.
> Or the forum can push changes to a subscriber.
> I prefer to leave them in the forum.
> On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 10:34 AM, Warren Young <> wrote:
>> On Aug 10, 2018, at 7:19 AM, Andy Bradford <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Thus said Warren Young on Wed, 08 Aug 2018 11:45:09 -0600:
>> >
>> >>> Will this ever be enabled? I prefer email over web forum posting.
>> >>
>> >> How  would  you  prevent  spammers  from  using  an  email  submission
>> >> mechanism?
>> >
>> > Most mailing list managers prevent  this by only allowing subscribers to
>> > submit  emails.  I cannot  recall  the  last time  I  saw  spam sent  to
>> >…
>> That’s not the problem described in the thread I linked you to:
>> entry-point-sqlite3-finalize-could-not-be-located-td85005.html#a85069
>> You only need to read the first post, not the whole thread.
>> Fossil forums prevent that problem.
>> > Gmail supports email aliases.
>> If you’re speaking of the free Gmail product, it only supports the
>> style, which fools no spammer.  They just strip the
>> +ext bit off.
>> If you mean G Suite, you only get 30 of them per account.  I run the mail
>> server for my personal domains, and I have 240 aliases on my main email
>> account.  You want lots of aliases because it allows you to have unique
>> email addresses for any site whose security you are not entirely certain
>> about.
>> I wish I’d created *more* aliases, in fact, because my real email address
>> gets most of the spam I receive, by far, suggesting that I should have
>> hidden it more often.
>> >> If we don't solve that problem first,  we'll be right back in much the
>> >> same mess as today.
>> >
>> > Replacing a mailing list with a web  forum seems to simply trade one set
>> > of problems  for another.
>> Every choice worth spending thought on has tradeoffs.
>> drh has made his choice.  I don’t think you’re going to sway him on this.
>> > I'm  on dozens  of other public  mailing lists
>> > that get a lot more traffic than Fossil Users does and there seems to be
>> > no problems there…
>> Roughly 80-90% of mail traffic is spam, but that’s not a problem?
>> > Why don't  we leave  both in place  and see what  people prefer  to use?
>> I made that very suggestion earlier.
>> > Those who  are willing to  live with the  problems that come  with email
>> > will express their preference by continuing to use email.
>> Some of the burdens fall on drh, rather than on the users of the mailing
>> list, so he has some say in how all of this goes.
>> > Is the web forum now moderated?
>> Yes, from day 1.  I am one of the moderators.
>> > Does it help?
>> No spam has made it into the forum blockchain yet.
>> I also haven’t seen anyone attempt to spam the forum.  If it never
>> happens, that’s fine with me.
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