Choosing a font set is always a bit of a matter of taste. However, it is
usual to see in (company) manuals sans serif types like Arial (ususally
because no one bothers to check for anything else) or the Calibri font that
came with the newer MS Office suites.

I used to opt for Helvetica instead of Arial, mainly because the numbers
were clearer in Helvetica. But that was  clearly before Calibri times. ;-)

Some serif fonts come to mind. I am working with a book now about a certain
institution, and I decided to use the old Cheltenham for body and Myriad
Pro for headings.

I have spent a lot of time through the years looking for and comparing
fonts, and in one instance, trying to decide on the best font for the
dim-sighted, I made four copies of sample text with different fonts and had
people test read (from a distance to closer up). The one decided upon
seemed to help the dyslexics too.

So, if you want to study fonts, you will be spending a lot of your free
time. But it is fun! But your customer will not complement you on it,
becaus he/she/they do not know what it really is that makes them like or
hate the looks of the book. There are so many things to consider.

But you are right: Readability counts. So, not Arial! And not fancy fonts.

Probably this is of little help, but it is Friday night. :-)

And, I could send you some samples in pdf if you like. Main thing is: What
does your font library consist of? New fonts can be very expensive.

Have a nice weekend!

Bodvar, Iceland

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 3:42 PM, VLM TechSubs <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,****
> ** **
> I’m not sure whether this post went through, so I’m trying again. ****
> ** **
> In the past, I’ve worked on writing, editing, and functional template
> design, but in general I’ve left “pretty stuff” such as font selection to
> others. So I really don’t know what fonts might be most readable, or most
> popular, or how to pair a body and a heading font, or the like. Of course,
> much is written all over the Internet, but I thought that here, there would
> be people with specific experience writing and publishing books. So that is
> why I have directed this inquiry here. I hope it’s okay. :)****
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> Elchanan****
> *From:* VLM TechSubs []
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 15, 2013 3:22 PM
> *To:* Framers; Free Framers
> *Subject:* OT: Font suggestions for book?****
> ** **
> Greetings everyone,****
> ** **
> I’m working in FM 8, Win 7 x64 on a book that will be published this Fall.
> I’ve now been asked to do the book design, in addition to most of the
> writing and basic template design. The subject matter is primarily
> financial … it’s a book about the history of taxation. It’s not a scholarly
> work at all, but rather one designed to “wake up” American teens and young
> adults to some of the issues involved. Footnotes are used here and there,
> but more for explanation of background/details than in a traditional sense
> as references. The book will be published in a standard 6x9 format,
> paperback. ****
> ** **
> All that having been said … What are people’s favorite or recommended
> fonts for such a project. And since this is being published on a shoestring
> budget with a nonprofit/educational bent, suggestions of free fonts would
> be most welcome. ****
> ** **
> Well, thanks in advance!****
> ** **
> Best regards,****
> Elchanan****
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