> What I often do is build the title in a file, such 
> as "cover.fm" and then build a folder structure along 
> the lines of the following example:
> page I place an xref to the BookName paragraph that I 
> put into the cover. Then all I ever need to do is update

Bernard...I think I did almost exactly what you describe and it
worked until I started combining files in different books.

For instance...every book I create has, after the frontmatter files,
a chapter called Overview. This chapter givea a highlevel description
of the module I'm describing and may be anywhere from one page to
five or six pages.

I also have a book that combines all the overview sections into one
book, which is an overview of the application (a portal) that I'm
documenting. The book also has its own frontmatter.

I want all of the overview sections, when they appear in the Overview
book, to have overview in the header, and when they appear in the
module books, to have the module title in the header. It did not seem
to work out that way.

Maybe it was a particular way I implemented the functionality. Would
your method accomodate it?

John Posada
Senior Technical Writer

"So long and thanks for all the fish."

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