I've always implemented that solution with a single extra file for the
book (bookvariables.fm) that contains nothing except variable
definitions.  When variables change or get added I import all the
variables from that file at the book level.


On 1/31/06, John Posada <jposada01 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I could live with that. I'd even buy a pluggin that gave me that
> feature.
> --- Mike Feimster <mike.feimster at acstechnologies.com> wrote:
> > It seems to me that the "real" solution is to be able
> > to define variables at the book level. Then, variables
> > in a chapter files take the value of
> > whatever is defined for the book.
> John Posada
> Senior Technical Writer
> "So long and thanks for all the fish."
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Laura Lemay     Killer of Trees     lemay % lne.com    lemay % gmail.com
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