''Believe me, I like a good millennial smackdown...''
But it seems not as much as we do. :)

2015-09-26 15:54 GMT-04:00 Francisco Torres <fjtorre...@gmail.com>:

> ''Is there anything we could do to improve things? To intervene?''
> Maybe by joining-
> ''Millennium is a member-based organization.* Members are encouraged to
> participate in operations and leadership, discuss and decide strategic
> direction, and annually elect the governing board*.''
> http://millenniumfilm.org/membershipandsupport/
> 2015-09-26 13:04 GMT-04:00 Jonathan Walley <wall...@denison.edu>:
>> Hi folks,
>> We’ve really gone down the rabbit hole on this one. Between the detailed
>> analyses of Jona Gerlach’s identity and self-righteous tsk-tsk-ing emails
>> to an author who isn’t even on the list anymore, it might strike some that
>> the gentlemen and ladies of Frameworks doth protest too much.
>> A little googling finds the name Jona Gerlach deep in staff lists of
>> several film festivals and as the author of a handful of online DVD
>> reviews, among other things. So I think we can take the initial email at
>> face value - a young filmmaker who joined Frameworks to connect with a
>> larger film community. And saying that listservs are irrelevant to young
>> people is like saying 16mm is irrelevant to them, which isn’t the case and
>> is a little dangerous to assume, I think.
>> None of this is to defend someone who joins an email list and jumps off
>> it immediately because of a single negative email. Many of the responses
>> make good points, but they remind me of the Seinfeld episode where George
>> obsesses over how he *could* have responded to a work colleague’s insult
>> at a staff meeting, then goes to absurd lengths to re-create the
>> confrontation so he can use the retort he comes up with.
>> Anyway, all this has turned our attention from problems at Millennium to
>> problems with millennials, which I think are much less interesting and
>> productive for us to be talking about. Is there any foundation to the
>> original accusations? Is there anything we could do to improve things? To
>> intervene? At the very least, is there a more objective account of what’s
>> gone on at Millennium that we might be able to read and discuss?
>> Believe me, I like a good millennial smackdown, but I can’t help feeling
>> that we’ve come off looking just a little silly on the back of this
>> flare-up.
>> Just my two cents - best wishes to everyone.
>> Jonathan
>> Dr. Jonathan Walley
>> Associate Professor and Chair
>> Department of Cinema
>> Denison University
>> wall...@denison.edu
>> On Sep 26, 2015, at 12:20 PM, Francisco Torres <fjtorre...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> ''Is it really that much of an instant gratification generation that you
>> get in, judge, and get out so quickly?''
>> Millennials...There should be a horror movie titled ''Children of the
>> Yuppies''.
>> 2015-09-26 3:46 GMT-04:00 Dave Tetzlaff <djte...@gmail.com>:
>>> Francisco Torres wrote:
>>> I figured it couldn't be that bad, that I could surely draw inspiration
>>> from artists with a lifetime of experience, and that it could enrich my
>>> practice and inspire me.
>>> Do people really talk like THAT? Is this guy for real?
>>> Hmmm. Maybe not. Could be a troll post: a parody of a spoiled millenial
>>> squawk writing style intended to get older FRAMEWORKERS to react with
>>> dyspeptic curmudgeonous, and the author is sitting back giggling at the
>>> thread. Googling 'Jona Gerlach' yields no likely suspect for the post: just
>>> a Facebook page of a student in Germany with no apparent interest in film
>>> (and the post doesn't read as ESL), and a Twitter account with all of two
>>> short original tweets, both apparently snarky replies to existing threads:
>>> "you just broke the toilet" and "really excited about the hookers". But
>>> maybe it's a fake of a different kind...
>>> The thing is, I don't know why anyone who's heard about FRAMEWORKS "from
>>> many sources" would imagine this is a place to "draw inspiration from
>>> artists with a lifetime of experience" yada yada yada, or that ANY listserv
>>> would offer such an experience. Posts that discuss the ART of experimental
>>> film only show up here once in a blue moon. That's natural. It's a deep
>>> subject, and email lists are filled with short quickly fired-off little
>>> notes on stuff that doesn't take a lot of time to think about. We get
>>> announcements, tech questions, requests to fill out silly lists of films
>>> fitting some vague and over-broad one-line definition...
>>> If you want inspirational substance, you watch the damn films (get hip
>>> to bit-torrent of you don't live near NY, London, or some other cultural
>>> capital), read Scott MacDonald's interview collections, Google the websites
>>> that have actual critical essays discussing relevant filmmakers...
>>> I honestly can't imagine thin-skinned millenial cry babies would even
>>> know what a LISTSERV is, much less lower themselves and take time away from
>>> Twitter and Instagram to read and post on one. Shit, Facebook is for
>>> dinosaurs, which makes us, I dunno, the promordial ooze of the information
>>> age or something.
>>> Now, perhaps Sasha Janerus -- who Google reveals to be an actual person
>>> in the NYC film scene, having curated a couple screenings co-sponsored by
>>> MFW (assuming the post to which 'Jona' replied is from that 'real Sasha
>>> Janerus' -- one never knows) -- would have some insight on who might
>>> respond to her post under a pseudonym, to complain about 'negativity,
>>> people being shamed and attacked over the most innocuous things, old
>>> grudges and hostilities...' and call for us all to unite together into a
>>> flying wedge charging the enemies of experimental film. Like bitching at
>>> FRAMEWORKERS and unsubscribing after two hours is a step in that direction.
>>> Maybe somebody associated with Millenium is a little butt-hurt at
>>> Janerus's allegations?
>>> Somebody who's been a party to old grudges and hostilities, even?
>>> Is it just me, or is it more than "innocuous" if someone is "grifting"
>>> around phantom remains of one of the most important institutions in the
>>> history of our obscure little corner of artistic practice?
>>> I know bupkis about doings at MFW, present or past, so Janerus's post
>>> could be nothing more than gossipy shade for all I know. But someone trying
>>> to present such matters as "innocuous", rather than just calling out
>>> Janerus for being full of BS, makes me wonder if those doing are indeed not
>>> innocuous at all.
>>> [Seriously, I don't shit about any of these people or the history at
>>> issue. I just 'smell' ... something... in the words of the exchange. I just
>>> got off jury duty, and my sniffer may be over-sensitized as a result. So if
>>> I'm showing a bit of unwarranted paranoia here, forgive me...  but with the
>>> craze for The Donald still being A Thing, dark imaginings do tend to run
>>> through the mind, eh?]
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