Heinrich Rebehn wrote:
This is the point where people talk about journalling fs, and i think they're right.
Did you search the archives as I suggested?  There was a lot of useful
information in some of the past discussions.
I have searched freebsd-qustions, but the only info regarding fsck times was that fsck will be made in bg with 5.0
Well, I did some searches, and it isn't as easy to find as I had thought.
You have to search for things like XFS and Reiser. Here is one that I did
find that's interesting:


Running fsck in the background might help when 5.0 becomes stable. If it really works, ok, otherwise i really think a journalling fs is needed.
I think journalling is a good idea anyway. Although it's not the solution
to every problem, journalling has some advantages that softupdates doesn't.
It would be nice if both were available. Are you volunteering, because I
seem to remember the conversation that nobody has had the time to port
something like Reiser to FreeBSD yet.
I'm afraid not. I have very little experience with C programming (more FORTRAN, PASCAL, ASSEMBLER, MODULA, ADA). Also i'm not at all familiar w/ the internals of FreeBSD. Time would also be a problem, but not the biggest. Are the filesystem APIs of Linux and FreeBSD so much different? (Probably a silly question :-))
Yeah, I think just about everyone who's interested in a JFS falls into the
category of "I don't have time" or "I don't have the know-how".  I'm not
sure if the background fsck capability of FreeBSD 5 is an attempt at an
alternate solution to the problem or not.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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