> > is that it follows KISS, keep it simple, better than Windows does.
> > Having everything including the kitchen sink integrated is not good.
> Why do you ask for "broader network card support" then? ;-)

More drivers need to be available.  They don't need to be integrated.
For example, the D845PEBT2 mobo by Intel has a built in nic that isn't
supported by crynwr.  I wonder if cards based on the Thunderlan chipset
work?  It should be possible to look at the Linux drivers and figure out
how to work the hardware of a number of unsupported network cards.

Stability is more important than hardware support.  

I want to see a scandisk replacement.  I want to see defrag do it's job
faster.  Tools to check and defragment NTFS volumes would be nice.

When I'm speaking of integration, I'm talking very specifically about
Microsoft's tendency to make you use one piece of software that you
may not need in order to use another.  Microsoft got slapped for
bundling Internet Explorer in Windows 98 and making it 
"part of the OS."

Arachne assumes that you need a pop3 client, which is often a 
wrong assumption.  Yes, someone needs to bring this up with 
Arachne's developer.  If Microsoft was not an application and
OS producing company...  things  would be different.  
Microsoft over bundles, but Linux is getting that way too 

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