Probably.  In the context of a more acute situation (e.g. emergency room, or 
the patient is in severe distress), the nurses are trained to inject their 
judgment.  But in a more casual context (like an office visit to a GP), they're 

The important point, though, is it's a matter of *competence* not something 
trivializable like "bedside manner" or "rudeness".  If the Dr is too 
incompetent to know how to assess a patient, you do not want that Dr.

On 07/13/2018 08:23 AM, Curt McNamara wrote:
> Actually the question was about the nurse :-) and (from my understanding)
> the dynamics of medicine is such that nurses *don't* give doctors feedback
> on things like this. So the good advice here (which i agree with) would
> need to be passed onto the doctor directly

∄ uǝʃƃ

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