> > Agreed, get the macbook you'll notice a world of difference in terms of
> > value and speed. While the G4 will do everything you want its a dying
> > architecture. Also, did apple officially say PPC macs wont be compatible
> > with Snow Leopard?

I'm reasonable sure that Apple has never said anything officially
about the requirements for Snow Leopard. It has for a long time been
widely speculated that PPC will be left behind with the release of
Snow Leopard. As far as I can tell this speculation is based on two
things . The developer versions of Snow Leopard only run on MacIntel
machines. Second thing is Apples talk of cleaning up the code and
making it small & fast. I'd say that does tilt the odds to Apple
removing the PPC code. However if they wanted to they could make a
version that runs on PPC . We should know for sure fairly soon.
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