On 5/30/09 9:29 PM, "Will S" <willsc...@gmail.com> Broadcast into the ether:

>>> Agreed, get the macbook you'll notice a world of difference in terms of
>>> value and speed. While the G4 will do everything you want its a dying
>>> architecture. Also, did apple officially say PPC macs wont be compatible
>>> with Snow Leopard?
> I'm reasonable sure that Apple has never said anything officially
> about the requirements for Snow Leopard. It has for a long time been
> widely speculated that PPC will be left behind with the release of
> Snow Leopard.

Ok.  I didn't want to have to do this but (NDA)... I heard from someone who
heard from someone (repeat 50 times) who heard from someone that works at
Apple that the new OS curently named Snow Leopard will only run on Intel
based hardware.  

If *I* were buying I would get the Intel based machine if I wanted to run
the new OS.  PPC is dead.

Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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