Hallo a Sheonag,

Gu meal thu do naidheachd! Tha mi an dochas gum bi mi a' faicinn 'Miss
>Molly' uaireigin.
>Congratulations to you! I hope to be seeing Miss Molly sometime.

An urrain dhut stad ann am Belleville nuair a bhios thu a' dol a Ceap 
Breatuinn ? 'S toil le Miss Molly a bhith a' faicinn aoighean.

Can you stop in Belleville when you will be going to Cape Breton? Miss 
Molly likes to see visitors.

Aoghnais - Bidh mi a' dol gu Ceap Breatainn anns an Lu\nasdal.Am bi thu
>aig Cholaisde Na Ga\idhlig? Tha mi an dochas gum bi mi 'gad fhaicinn! Bi
>mi ann bho 27 Lu\nasdal gu 1 1 Sultuine.
>Angus - I will be going to Cape Breton in August, Will you be at the
>Gaelic College? I hope to see you! I will be there from 27 August to 1

Feumaidh tu  tadhail air an Fheis an Eilein ann an Ceap B.

You'll have to visit the Christmas Island Festival when you're there in 
C.B. The last day is August 25; details in the latest Am Braighe, or you 
can contact them at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Christmas Island is 
within easy reach of Baddeck and St. Anne.

Sla\n leat


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