Feasgar math a Dhotair Eideird,

Tha mi duilich cha do sgri\obh mi ach beagan o chionn ghoirid.  Bithidh mi
trang gu dearbh, ach leughidh mi daonnan na litreachean.  Sgri\obhidh mi
nuair a bhitheas e comasach dhomh.

Cum a' dol, ma bhitheas tu cho math!

>From: "Lois\Ted Macdonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: gaidhlig-gu-leor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Post mortem
>Date: Sat, Nov 18, 2000, 7:08 PM

>Medical report
>Patient's name: Gaidhlig gu Leor
>Patient's condition: reflexes - poor. Not responding to normal stimuli.
>Prognosis: Transfusion of new blood is desperately needed. Patient is 
>showing minimal vital signs and may soon be beyond point of recovery.
>Symptoms: Patient has been heard to speak a strange language, in the 
>expectation of some response. Lack of response is causing severe 
>depression, which could lead to further decline in vital signs.
>Treatment: Since the ailment results from lack of response,and since the 
>patient is essentially a social entity requiring constant feedback from 
>other members of the society that shares this strange language, it is 
>recommended that the patient be sedated until such time as it can be shown 
>that there is an interest in the community at large in assisting with the 
>patient's revival.
>In the absence of any signs of community interest I am prepared to withdraw 
>life support systems, and the death certificate is on file, ready to be signed.
>Yours in the interest of good health,
>Dr. Eideard
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